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词汇 opera
例句 She developed a passion for opera.她逐渐爱上了歌剧。There were such comic-opera touches about that conference.那次会议可真有点发噱。These young people have given opera a new lustre.这些年轻人使歌剧增添了新的光彩。Playing a budding opera star was not much of a stretch for this classically trained singer.饰演一位崭露头角的歌剧明星对这个受过古典音乐训练的歌手而言不是什么难事。I enjoy the opera, but not all of the highfalutin people it seems to attract.我喜欢歌剧,但不喜欢所有那些自命不凡的歌剧迷。In Beijing opera, acting performances are usually highly stylized.在京剧中表演动作常是高度程式化的。The opera made use of recitative.这部歌剧中使用了宣叙调。You cannot stage a Verdi opera without a chorus.没有合唱队你无法上演威尔第的歌剧。He roughly outlined the plot of the opera.他粗略地概述了该歌剧的剧情。The taxi driver picked up a fare outside the opera house.出租车司机在歌剧院外面接了一位乘客。Fine music, particularly opera, has become aspirational, like fine wine or foreign travel.高雅音乐,特别是歌剧,就像佳酿或出境游一样受到志存高远者的青睐。His mother was an opera singer.他的母亲是一位歌剧演唱家。This opera is a stunning showcase for the company.这是一出显示该剧团艺术水平的令人倾倒的歌剧。He was also learned in classical music with a great love of opera.他还是个酷爱歌剧的古典音乐专家。My life is a soap opera. 我的生活就是一部肥皂剧。The opera reaches its climax with Violetta's death in the third act.第三幕中维奥莉塔之死使歌剧达到了高潮。The British public's wariness of opera is an anomaly in Europe.英国公众对歌剧不大轻易接受的态度在欧洲来说很反常。Can you imagine paying all that money to see an opera, and then sleeping through the whole thing?你能想象吗?花了那么多钱去看歌剧,却从头到尾都在睡觉!Tonight is the opening night of the opera.今晚是这出歌剧的首演夜。The tour has been timed to allow visitors to attend the opening night of the Verona opera season.这次游览的时间安排,可以让游客参加维罗纳歌剧节的开幕之夜。She played a minor role in the opera.她在那出歌剧里扮演了一个小角色。I'm afraid opera leaves me cold.歌剧恐怕提不起我的兴趣。I happen to be an aficionado of the opera, and I love art museums.我恰好是歌剧迷,又很喜爱艺术博物馆。He likes music but has no heart for grand opera.他喜欢音乐,但并不爱好大型歌剧。I've never been a huge fan of opera.我对歌剧一向不是很着迷。We took in more theatres, an opera, a couple of ballets.我们还看了更多的戏,一场歌剧,还有两三场芭蕾舞。The opera clicked.这出歌剧轰动一时。Kendall's chief complaint about the opera is that the characters are not historically accurate.肯德尔对这部歌剧主要不满之处是其中的人物历史上不真实。Bill escorted Ellie to the opera.比尔陪埃莉去看了歌剧。Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera in Europe.丹尼斯最近开始在欧洲担任歌剧指挥,事业发展得很成功。It was an opera, very glamorous and very sensual.这场歌剧美轮美奂,声色俱佳,给感官以极大享受。She bought two tickets for the opera.她买了两张歌剧的票。The opera was simply marvelous.这出歌剧真不错。Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera.丹尼斯最近开始从事歌剧指挥的工作,并且非常成功。Their music is an odd combination of jazz and opera.他们的音乐是爵士乐与歌剧的奇怪混合体。He was the author of one or two opera librettos.他是一两部歌剧的脚本作者。Putting on an opera is a tremendous enterprise involving literally hundreds of people.上演一台歌剧是一项浩大的工程,说要涉及数以百计的人真是一点都不夸张。The opera house is one of the city's landmark buildings.这座歌剧院是该市的地标性建筑之一。A small colour television was tuned to an afternoon soap opera.一台小彩色电视机频道调在了一出下午的肥皂剧上。She is dressing for the opera.她穿着正装去听歌剧。




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