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例句 A spy? Go on with you, then. 间谍?我才不相信你呢。Stop being so bolshie and just get on with it, will you?别那么吵闹个没完了,忍着点,好吗?He stayed on with an erect posture by the window.他一直呆呆地直立在窗前。She wanted to decorate her room, so I just let her get on with it.她想把自己的房间装修一下,所以我就让她自己搞去。She formed enduring friendships with women and more intense, volatile ones with men.她与女性的友谊稳定持久,而与男性则更为激烈、多变。I'm plodding on with work, just looking forward to a holiday.我正在埋头工作,就盼望着有个假期。One million is a one with six zeros after it.一百万就是一后面带有六个零。She should take her claws out of Tom and let him get on with his life.她不该再死死地缠着汤姆,应该让他继续自己的生活。Don't take any notice of him—he's only trying it on with you.别理他,他只不过是找你的茬。Just as we were beginning to get on with each other again, Jackie came and stirred things up.就在我们再和好起来的时候,杰姬来挑拨了一下。He stuck the stamp on with a flourish.他故作潇洒地贴上了邮票。If you buy a dryer, look for one with a sensor which switches off when clothes are dry.如果要买干衣机,就找带感应装置的,衣服烘干后自动断电。I've got to push on with my homework.我得继续做家庭作业。The false eyelashes are stuck on with adhesive.假睫毛是用黏合剂粘上的。My mom's encouragement determined me to go on with my study.我母亲的鼓励使我决心继续学业。Stop messing around - just get on with it!别闲混了一快点做吧!I'd better leave you to get on with it, then.那我还是让你一个人接着干吧。I'm at one with you on that point.在那点上我和你是一致的。The afternoon wore on with excruciating slowness.下午的时间慢得令人难受。Towns with the fewest amenities are usually the ones with the highest crime rates.便利设施最少的城市通常犯罪率最高。We must press on with the work.我们得加紧工作。Come on kids! Simmer down and get on with your work!快点儿,孩子们!安静下来开始做功课!I've got to push on with this paperwork.我得坚持做完这点儿案头工作。I wish you'd make an effort to get on with my friends.我希望你能尽量和我的朋友们合得来。Stop procrastinating and get on with your work.别再拖延了,继续干你的活儿吧。We urged the school team on with loud cheers.我们大声助威,激励校队拼搏。The ball player caught on with a big team last year.这个球员去年受雇于一个有名的球队。 Tell him to go on with his work.告诉他继续做他的工作。He picked himself up and walked on with weak knees.他站了起来,双膝无力地继续向前走。Okay, so you made a mistake - you just have to put it down to experience and carry on with your life.好了,你是犯了错误,就把它当作一次教训,继续好好生活吧。The manager has been carrying on with his secretary.经理与他的秘书一直有不正当的关系。Be careful not to muddle the files you've already worked on with the others.小心不要把你已经处理过的文件和其他文件弄混了。In the old-style office, the boss yelled, and the workers got on with their work.在老式的办公室里,老板一叫嚷,员工就老老实实地干活。Stop whingeing and get on with it.别抱怨了,抓紧干吧。Just get on with your work; don't mind me.继续干你的工作,不要管我。I was able to get on with my work without interruption.我可以不受打扰地继续我的工作了。Two coffees please, one with milk and one without.请来两杯咖啡,一杯加奶,一杯不加。Who is the one with the beard?留胡须的那个人是谁?The only thing to do was knuckle down and get on with some serious hard work.唯一能做的就是开始努力工作,好好干出点儿成绩来。Will this room do or would you prefer one with a shower?这个房间行吗?还是你想要个带淋浴的房间?




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