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词汇 on the team
例句 She is one of the best players on the team.她是球队中最好的球员之一。Real commitment is needed from everyone on the team if we're going to make this project work.我们想要使这个项目成功的话,就需要小组内每一个成员真正的奉献精神。She was voted the most improved player on the team.她被选为球队中进步最大的队员。There are many good players on the team, but she's a special talent.这个队有很多优秀的运动员,但她是个特殊的人才。Several positions on the team are still up for grabs.球队仍有好几个空缺位置可供争夺。Bates would be a good person to have on the team.球队里很适合有贝茨这样的人。Fans gained more enjoyment barracking him than cheering on the team.比起为球队加油,球迷们从朝他起哄中获得了更大的乐趣。Bradley has distinguished himself as the top scorer on the team.布拉德利作为队里的最佳射手而令人瞩目。If you want to be on the team, you have to turn up for regular training.如果你想进那个球队,就得定期训练。He's currently the best defensive player on the team.他目前是队里最好的防守队员。His role on the team is to be a backup to the regular quarterback.他是球队主力四分卫的替补。His actions brought scandal on the team. 他的行为让整个团队蒙羞。He was a dead weight on the team this year.他今年成了球队的负担。She's the best all-around player on the team.她是队里最优秀的全能选手。He is on the team.他是球队的一员。He's not happy to play second fiddle to the younger players on the team.他不乐意给队里比他年轻的队员们打下手。He's not the most talented player on the team, but he always hustles.他不是队里最有天赋的队员,但他总是积极地比赛。Everyone on the team gave a hundred percent.所有队员都尽了全力。The other players on the team all know that he's the man.其他队员都知道他是队里的老大。He got dissed by the other guys on the team.他受到队里其他人的侮辱。I was on the team for two weeks before I got cut.我在这个队待了两个星期就被除名了。I'm replacing Sue on the team.我将接替队里的休。He runs faster than anyone else on the team.他比队里其他人都跑得快。The new player failed to make an immediate impression on the team.这位新来的球员没能立即为球队发挥作用。Paul wanted to be captain but we cut the ground from under his feet by saying that Henry was the best palyer on the team.保罗想当队长,但我们先发制人,说亨利才是最好的队员。She's easily the best player on the team. 她无疑是队里最好的选手。Rebecca was, without question, the most capable technician on the team.毫无疑问,丽贝卡是这个组里最能干的技术员。He is the next-best player on the team.他是球队中第二位的好手。Her coach let her play out the rest of the season but said she wouldn't be allowed on the team next year.她的教练让她赛完这个赛季,但表示她明年不能留在这支队了。I believe he would have had a stabilising effect on the team.我相信他原本可以让全组人稳定下来的。You're the best person on the team.你是球队里最出色的人。The ones on the team who are most successful practice every day.球队中最成功的那些球员天天训练。He's trying out for a spot on the team.他在参加球队的选拔。The other players on the team don't like him because he's such a hot dog.因为他很爱卖弄,所以队里同伴都不喜欢他。Fatigue had begun to take its toll on the team.疲劳已开始给团队造成危害。The shortstop is the best player on the team, and the catcher is the next best player.这个棒球队里最出色的球员是游击手,其次是接球手。He can easily recite all the facts about any player on the team.他能不费劲地说出队里任何一名队员的所有情况。She is the most agile athlete on the team.她是队里动作最灵活的运动员。We'll have to find a recruit to take Joe's place on the team.我们得找个新人来取代乔在球队中的位置。They have a rookie on the team who is fun to watch.他们队里有个新手看着挺好玩的。




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