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词汇 on the other hand
例句 Designers, on the other hand, create artifacts for people other than themselves.再者,设计者创造物品是为了人们,而不是为了自己。Mrs Buchan, on the other hand, was oblivious, keeping her assorted team busy.另一方面,巴肯夫人总是浑然不觉,一直让她团队中的各色人等忙得团团转。You want to help your kids as much as you can, but on the other hand, you've got to be careful to help them learn on their own.你想尽可能地帮助你的小孩,但另一方面你也得留意帮助他们自己学习。The hamburger was tough and overcooked. The fries, on the other hand, were terrific, and well worth the money.汉堡包又硬又烤过了时间,不过炸薯条倒是很好吃,值这个价。The bank's managers admit that they work their employees hard, but on the other hand they pay good wages.这家银行的经理承认他们让雇员工作得很累,但另一方面他们给的工资也很高。On the one hand, expansion would be good, but on the other hand it would be sad to lose the family atmosphere.一方面来说, 扩大发展当然很好,但从另一方面来说,失去这种家庭氛围令人遗憾。He's a good guy. His brother, on the other hand, is a very selfish man.他是个好人,可是他的弟弟非常自私。Well, all right, hospitals lose money. But, on the other hand, if people are healthy, don't think of it as losing money; think of it as saving lives.嗯,好吧,医院是赔钱。但从另一个角度看,如果人们都健健康康的,就不能认为是在赔钱,而应该想成是在救死扶伤。On the one hand I'd like a job that pays more, but on the other hand I enjoy the work I'm doing at the moment.一方面我想要一份薪水更高的工作,但另一方面我也喜欢现在的工作。The Blairgowrie Highland Games, on the other hand, are the real thing rather than a media event.另一方面,布莱尔高里高地赛确实是真正的比赛,而不单是媒体盛事。




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