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词汇 on the ball
例句 The bowler put a sideways spin on the ball.板球投手投出了一记侧旋球。Just stay on the ball so it doesn't happen again.你要保持警惕,别再让这种事发生。Keep your eyes on the ball, even into your follow-through.眼睛要一直盯着球,甚至在做顺随动作时也要这么做。You have to keep your eye on the ball in business.做生意必须时刻小心谨慎。Good players can put bend on the ball.好的运动员能够踢出弧线球。Thanks for pointing that out; you're on the ball this morning.谢谢你指出了这一点,你今天上午很机敏。Did somebody get on the ball about theatre tickets?买戏票的事有人去办了吗?The batter couldn't handle the sidespin on the ball.击球手对那个侧旋球毫无办法。I didn't sleep well last night and I'm not really on the ball today.我昨晚没有睡好,所以今天反应迟钝。Their lawyer was really on the ball.他们的律师确实很精明。Cole's skill on the ball is incredible.科尔的控球技术非常出色。She really is on the ball, she doesn't miss much.她非常警觉,漏掉的东西不多。He was supposed to fall on the ball, allowing San Jose to run out the clock.他应该去抢球,让圣何塞有机会消耗时间。The coach told Jim to get on the ball or leave the team.教练叮嘱吉姆好好打球,要不就离开球队。She really needs to keep her eye on the ball if she wants to win the election.如果想要赢得选举,她的确需要时刻关注选情。With so many intelligent students, the teacher must always be on the ball.班上有那么多聪明学生,老师上课时必须时刻随机应变It's important to keep your eye on the ball at all times.眼睛要时刻盯着球,这很重要。Jones dived on the ball a metre from the line.琼斯在离球门线一米的地方向球扑去。Tom is really on the ball at school.汤姆在学校里确实下了苦功。For skill on the ball, Michael Owen runs him close.就球技而言,迈克尔·欧文与他不相上下。As you swing the golf club back, try to keep your eye on the ball.当你把高尔夫球杆挥向身后时,要把目光盯在高尔夫球上。If he keeps his eye on the ball, he will surely succeed.如果他机灵小心的话,准会获得成功。That writer is really on the ball.那位作家可真出色。He walked over to the radio and turned on the ball game.他走过去把收音机开到球赛节目上。




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