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词汇 graphics
例句 The Web site has a lot of fancy graphics.这个网站上有许多花哨的图表。She showed us the new all-singing, all-dancing graphics software she'd bought for her computer.她给我们展示了她为电脑新配备的先进的制图软件。I designed the graphics, she wrote the text.我设计图片,她写文稿。It was packaged in a fancy plastic case with attractive graphics.它装在一个别致的有漂亮图纹的塑料盒子里。The movie was made with state-of-the-art computer graphics.这部电影是用最先进的电脑图形技术制作的。On PC, the game had it all — imaginative storyline and characters, challenging gameplay, superb graphics.个人电脑里的游戏非常完美,从想象力丰富的故事情节及人物到富有挑战性的游戏设计和精美画面,应有尽有。You need to install a new graphics card.你需要安装一个新的图形卡。The Vortex graphics system was ahead of its time. Few were sold but it strongly influenced later designs.伏特克斯图形系统在当时是超前的,虽然卖出的很少,但它对后来的设计有着极大的影响。The editor's PC should support desktop publishing and graphics.编辑的个人电脑需支持桌面出版和绘图。You can integrate text with graphics and manipulate graphic images.你可以把文本和图形拼接起来进行图像处理。There are no fancy graphics to slow things down.没有拖慢速度的繁复图表。The graphics are bold and colourful.图表很醒目,色彩很丰富。The realism of modern computer graphics is stunning.现代计算机绘图的逼真程度令人吃惊。The graphics in the video game are more lifelike than we imagined they would be.电子游戏中的图像比我们想象的更加逼真。You can now import graphics from other applications.你现在可以导入其他应用软件的图表。The detail in the graphics is unreal. 这个图形的细节太漂亮了。The video game has slick graphics.这款电子游戏的画面超棒。The firm grew to be one of Europe's foremost graphics studios.这家公司逐渐发展为欧洲最重要的图形制作工作室。The screen can display simple graphics as well as text.屏幕能显示简单的图形及文本。The articles are noticeably shorter with strong headlines and graphics.这些文章明显短了许多,并且配上了醒目的标题和图表。I couldn't get the graphics to print correctly.我无法将图表正确地打印出来。The graphics are somewhat simplistic.这些图表显得有点儿过于简化了。The graphics are slightly ropey.这些图表质量有点差劲。The whole system is let down by the poor quality of the graphics.糟糕的图像质量使整个系统有了缺憾。It's easy to get carried away when you can do so much with the graphics software.这个制图软件用处之大,能让你一下子就迷上它。The graphics and sounds are out of this world.图像和声音都很完美。The film uses computer graphics in an unusual and highly imaginative way.这部影片以不同寻常的、极富想象力的方式运用了电脑制图技术。These computer games rely on 3-D graphics.这些电脑游戏都依靠三维成像技术。The articles are noticeably shorter with strong headlines and graphics.文章配有醒目的标题和图表,明显短了许多。The graphics are brilliant. It's just a shame the content is so poor.图案做得漂亮极了,只可惜信息内容太蹩脚。He designs snazzy new graphics for software packages.他专为软件包设计时尚亮丽的图案。If you're a novice to working with computer graphics, you should buy this CD-ROM.如果你是从事电脑图像工作的新手,就应该购买这张只读光盘。The software, designed for children, has good graphics and animation that doesn't overwhelm the content.这种专为儿童设计的软件有高质量的图片和动画,对内容而言却并不喧宾夺主。This is packed with brilliant graphics and gameplay.这个游戏的画面和情节都很精彩。




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