例句 |
He bumped into her accidentally on purpose. 他假装偶然遇到了她。I've never liked these glasses of Peter's. I might drop them one day - accidentally on purpose.我从来就不喜欢彼得的这副眼镜,或许什么时候我会假装无意把它给摔了。You stepped on my toe on purpose.你故意踩我脚趾。I came here on purpose to see you.我专程来这儿看你。This ignores the fact that many employers break the law on purpose.这无视了很多雇主都是有意违法的事实。A few bidders inflated the prices on purpose.几个投标人故意抬高价钱。Someone set the fire on purpose. 有人故意纵火。He slammed the door on purpose.他故意把门砰的一声关上了。I didn't do it on purpose - it was an accident.我不是故意的,那完全是个意外。There were moments when I wondered: did she do this on purpose, was it all just a game, an act?.有时我很困惑:她这么做是故意的吗?难道一切都只是一场游戏,是逢场作戏?I knew she hadn't done it on purpose.我知道她不是故意为之。I sincerely regret that I have hurt your feelings, but I didn't do it on purpose.我从内心深处悔恨自己伤了你的感情,不过我不是故意的。If you joke with him he'll think you're insulting him on purpose.如果你同他开玩笑,他就会认为你在故意侮辱他。I assure you I came here on purpose to meet you.我向你保证,我是特意来见你的。They think the fire was started on purpose.他们认为有人故意纵火。He didn't seem the sort of man to be cruel on purpose.他不像是那种故意对人无情的人。I can't help wondering if he lost on purpose.我忍不住想他是不是有意输的。 |