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词汇 onions
例句 The recipe calls for chopped onions.这种烹饪方法要求用洋葱碎。Pour a kettle of boiling water over the onions.在洋葱上倒一壶开水。Chop the onions with a sharp knife.用锋利的刀切洋葱。You can add bones, the odd vegetable, herbs, and chopped onions.你可以加几块骨头、零星蔬菜、香草和切块的洋葱。How do you stop your eyes from watering when you're cutting up onions?切洋葱时你是如何让眼睛不流泪的呢?You should have seen the onions he grew for the competition - they were monsters!你应该看看他为参加这次比赛种的洋葱,它们都大得离奇!The onions will take five minutes to caramelize.洋葱需要五分钟时间才能变成焦糖色。He knows his onions, all right.他很专业,真的。Remove the onions with a slotted spoon.用篦式漏勺取走洋葱。The place stinks of fried onions.这个地方有股煎洋葱的刺鼻气味。An odour of onions invades the room.房间里满是洋葱味。This year on my allotment, I had the best ever crop of onions.今年在我的小块菜地里,我种的洋葱获得了前所未有的大丰收。First, brown the onions.首先,把洋葱炒成褐色。Add a little oil to the pan and stir-fry the onions.在平底锅内加入少许油,煸炒洋葱。Sauté the onions in melted butter.用熔化的黄油炒洋葱。Sarah was busy chopping up onions.萨拉正忙着切洋葱。Scatter the onions over the fish.把洋葱撒在鱼上面。Fry the onions gently for five minutes.将洋葱嫩煎五分钟。Chopping onions makes my eyes sting.切洋葱会让我的眼睛感到刺痛。Fry the onions gently, and then add the meat and cook for a few minutes.把洋葱稍稍炒一下,然后放进肉烧几分钟。Add the oil and then the chopped onions to the pan.在锅里放油,然后放入切碎的洋葱。Those onions are stinking the whole house out.那些洋葱弄得满屋子都是一股难闻的气味。Add the onions and garlic first, then the mushrooms.先加洋葱和大蒜,然后加蘑菇。Next, add the chopped onions.然后加入切碎的洋葱。His breath smelled of beer and pickled onions.他呼出的气里有啤酒和腌洋葱的味道。The steak was served with peppers and onions.牛排配上甜椒和洋葱。The potato salad was flavored with onions, the way Mattie liked it.这种马铃薯沙拉有洋葱味,这是玛蒂喜欢的口味。If leeks are unavailable, use spring onions instead.如果没有韭葱,就用洋葱苗来替代。Those onions I ate didn't agree with me.吃了那些洋葱,我胃里很不舒服。Brown the mince in a frying pan, strain off the excess fat and add the chopped onions.把肉末在煎锅中煎至褐色,撇去多余的脂肪,然后放入剁碎的洋葱。I cut my finger chopping onions last night.我昨晚切洋葱时割破了手指。Why do your eyes tear when you cut onions?为什么切洋葱时眼睛就会流泪?David is skinning onions in the kitchen.大卫在厨房里剥洋葱皮。Last year we raised a good crop of onions.去年我们种了很多洋葱。Chop two onions for the stew.切两个洋葱来做炖菜。Put the onions in the pan and cook until lightly browned.将洋葱放入平底锅内,炒至略呈棕色。From the rafters of the thatched roofs hung strings of dried onions and garlic.茅草屋顶的椽子上挂着几串干洋葱和蒜。My eyes were watering as I chopped the onions.我切洋葱时流眼泪了。The author is a little pretentious, but on the whole he does know his onions.这个作家有点儿自命不凡,但总的说,他确是精通本行。He is growing onions in the garden this year.今年他在园子里种了洋葱。




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