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Our new improved moisturizer has wondrous effects on tired-looking skin.我们新改良的面霜对有倦容的皮肤有神奇的效果。Use a moisturizer to soothe any dryness.使用保湿乳液减轻皮肤的干燥。Use moisturizer to soften your skin.使用润肤霜让你的肌肤变柔滑。This moisturizer is particularly good for those with oily complexions.这款保湿霜尤其适合那些油性皮肤的人。Apply the moisturizer to the skin and gently rub it in.把保湿露涂在皮肤上并轻轻按摩,直至吸收。It's okay for men to wear moisturizer.男人可以擦保湿霜。She smoothed on some moisturizer before she put on her makeup.她在化妆前先抹上润肤霜。She uses a moisturizer on her skin.她在皮肤上涂了一种润肤膏。 |