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词汇 on holiday
例句 I found that not having a car was quite a handicap while on holiday.我发现度假的时候没有汽车非常不方便。We decided to take Dad on holiday to help his recuperation.我们决定带爸爸去度假,帮助他康复。A lot of the usual conventions are ignored when you go on holiday.度假时,许多行为规范就不注意了。It's Sod's Law: the day before you go on holiday, someone offers you a job.事情总是这么不凑巧:在你要去度假的前一天有人给你提供了一份工作。Most large cities are good for business and high life, but not for families on holiday.多数大城市是做生意和吃喝玩乐的好去处,但不适合家庭度假。It's not merely a matter of cost, but whether she's old enough to go on holiday alone.不仅仅是费用的问题,而是按她的年龄是否可以独自去度假了。I gained a lot of weight while I was on holiday.我休假期间体重大增。We had some good nosh-ups on holiday.节日期间,我们吃了几顿丰盛的大餐。We'll have to forget about going on holiday.我们将不得不放弃度假的计划。Jack will double for the secretary while she is on holiday.秘书休假时杰克来代替她。She spent two weeks on holiday in Italy.她在意大利度假两周。The club chartered two buses to take us on holiday to Paris.俱乐部包租了两辆公共汽车送我们去巴黎度假。I wanted to go on holiday with Maria, but she put a block on that plan.我想和玛丽亚一起去度假,但她阻止了这个计划。I take an assortment of clothes on holiday, as a provision against the vagaries of the weather.我带了各种衣服去度假,以防天气突变。Julia's on holiday in Spain at the moment.朱莉娅目前在西班牙度假。Letters had mounted up while we were on holiday.我们度假期间信件堆积如山。She's going out with some French guy she met on holiday.她目前在和一个她度假时认识的法国男人约会。I'm going on holiday for a fortnight.我要度假两周时间。Going on holiday with my parents would be a surefire recipe for disaster.和我父母一起去度假准保倒霉。When I'm on holiday I lie on the beach all day.我休假时会整日躺在沙滩上。Make sure you get insurance before you go on holiday.去度假之前一定要买好保险。I'm afraid Mr Adamek is on holiday this week.抱歉,阿达梅克先生这个星期度假去了。After I've sat my exams, I'm going on holiday.考试结束后,我将去度假。The President was on holiday when the coup was launched.政变发动时,总统正在度假。There is a story, probably apocryphal, about a British motorcyclist on holiday in America.故事讲述一位英国摩托车手在美国度假,但未必真实。He could not get time off work to go on holiday.他工作很忙,抽不出时间去度假。It's cheaper to go on holiday off-peak.淡季度假比较便宜。She's holding the fort while the manager's on holiday.经理休假时由她负责处理事务。We've got so much on at work I couldn't possibly go on holiday now.我们的工作很忙,所以我现在不可能去度假。Business is always slow during those months because everyone's on holiday.那几个月生意都很清淡,因为大家都在休假。For many people going on holiday is a form of escapism.对于很多人来说,度假是一种解脱方式。I practised my French when we were on holiday.我们度假时我练习说法语。It's time you brushed up your English,if you want to go to New York on holiday.如果你想去纽约度假,现在就该复习英语了。I used up three rolls of film on holiday.这次度假我用了三卷胶卷。I shall not be able to attend the meeting since I shall be on holiday with my family.我无法参加这次会议,因为我要跟家人一起去度假。I'll be on holiday all next month.下个月我全月休假。I only invited the boy on holiday at your bidding.我是按你的吩咐才请孩子来度假的。The day that my father died, I was on holiday in Greece.我父亲去世的那天,我在希腊度假。This is the next best thing to actually being on holiday.虽比不上真的度假,这样也不错。The weather was beautiful while we were on holiday.我们度假时天气宜人。




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