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词汇 one end
例句 Water is sucked in at one end and expelled at the other.水从一端吸进去从另一端排出来。We biked from one end of the island to the other.我们骑车从岛的一端走到另一端。They walked the heavy bookcase over to the wall by moving one end at a time.他们一次搬一头,才把沉重的书架移到了墙边。Tumbling could send blood rushing to one end or the other.翻跟头会让他的血液从一端流到另一端。At one end of the spectrum were the Communists, and at the other, the Nationalists.这些人中一个极端是霸权主义者,另一极端是民族主义者。It is at one end of the cost continuum.它位于成本序列的一端。There's a bend in the pipe so you can't see from one end to the other.管子是弯的,所以你无法从一头看到另一头。I found my father struggling to lift one end of an enormous chest of drawers.我看见父亲正费劲想提起一个大五斗橱的一头。The rope was unfastened at one end.这个绳子有一端没有系上。Christmas lights were strung from one end of Main Street to the other.从梅因街到处悬挂着圣诞节彩灯。He took hold of one end of the carpet and tugged.他抓住地毯的一端用力拖。The crofts are long and narrow, one end butting on the fields.农舍附近的小块田地是狭长的,一头跟田野毗连。She sat at one end of the table while I sat at the other.她坐在餐桌的一端,而我坐在另一端。He tied one end of the rope round his waist.他把绳索的一端系到他的腰间。He hitched one end of a rope around the drain pipe and the other one around his waist, then climbed down the building.他把绳子的一头拴在下水管上,另一头拴在他的腰上,借助绳子爬下了楼。The one end of the crofts butts against the fields.住宅附近的小块土地的一头与田野毗连。Mum lived one end of town and I lived the other end of town.妈妈住在镇子的一端,而我住在另一端。If you ravel out one end of the cloth, you can find the little threads of cotton which are woven together to make your frock.如果把布的一边拆散,你就会看到一条条细小棉线,就是它们织成了做连衣裙的布。They blocked off one end, turning the road into a cul-de-sac.他们封锁了道路的一端,使它变成了一个死胡同。Her living room provides the best of both worlds, with an office at one end and comfortable sofas at the other.她家客厅一头是办公处,一头是舒适的沙发,真是两全其美。He ripped off one end of the thick envelope.他把厚信封的一端撕掉。Mrs Deacon sat at one end of the long table and I sat at the other.迪肯夫人坐在长桌的这一头,我坐在长桌的那一头。They passed one end of the rope around a tree.他们把绳子的一端缠在树上。Cows tend to gather together at one end of a field when it is going to rain.要下雨了,牛群喜欢聚集在田野的一角。There was a double bed at one end of the room; at the other, a tiny kitchen and dinner table.在房间的一端有张双人床,另一端有个小厨房和一张餐桌。The boat has a sleeping area at one end.船上有一头是睡觉的地方。Hold one end of the rope in your hand and let the other end hang down.握住绳子一端,让另一端垂下。The pupil tapered one end of the pencil with a knife.小学生用刀把铅笔的一头削尖了。We curtained off one end of the room to act as a changing room.我们用帘子把房间的一端隔开,当作更衣室。Nowadays new brides don't know one end of a frying pan from the other.现在的新娘完全不会做饭。They've roped off one end of the room.他们已用绳子把房间的一头隔开。Saul tied one end of the rope around a large rock and lowered himself over the cliff.索尔把绳索一端拴在一块大石头上,然后从峭壁下去。The one end of the house butts on the lake.房子的一端与湖毗连。At one end of the room a coal fire burned brightly.房间的一端有一堆煤火在熊熊燃烧。You need a long pole with a hook at one end.你需要一根一头有钩子的长竿。




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