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词汇 Oliver
例句 Oliver made a fortune by investing in antique furniture.奥利弗投资古董家具发了财。Before they could continue their conversation, Frank Gordon came over to speak to Oliver.他们还没来得及继续交谈,弗兰克·戈登就跑上前来跟奥利弗说话。Oliver omitted to mention that he was married.奥利弗没有提及他已结婚。Oliver fell down on the path and grazed his knee.奥利弗在小路上摔了一跤,擦破了膝盖。A little brat named Oliver sneaked on me.一个叫奥利弗的小家伙告了我的状。Oliver lashed the horses to go faster.奥利弗快马加鞭。Oliver felt he was being ridiculed by the students.奥利弗觉得他被学生们愚弄了。Dr Oliver could face disciplinary action after the case is heard.奥利弗医生在案子审理后可能受到惩处。Oliver had taken me out for a drink after work.奥利弗下班后带着我出去喝过酒。They picked up Oliver and carried him shoulder high into the garage.他们把奥利弗抬了起来,齐肩举着进入了车库。Oliver is reading philosophy at Oxford.奥利弗在牛津大学攻读哲学。Oliver and Sara fell back and started talking.奥利弗和萨拉退到后面讲起话来。Well I never. It's Mrs Oliver.真想不到。是奥利弗太太。Charles Dickens's timeless classic, 'Oliver Twist'查尔斯・狄更斯永恒的经典 - 《雾都孤儿》I teamed up with Oliver on my last record.在我的最后一张唱片里,我与奥利弗进行了合作。Mr. Oliver occupies an important position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.奥利佛先生在外交部充任要职。Oliver sat at the bar, nursing a bottle of beer.奥立弗坐在酒吧里,慢慢地喝着一瓶啤酒。She was shaking all over, partly because she was so angry with Oliver and partly because she was so afraid.她全身发抖,一半是因为她对奥利弗气愤不已,一半是因为非常害怕。Oliver Stone was in Thailand shooting the final instalment in his Vietnam trilogy, Heaven And Earth.奥利弗·斯通在泰国拍摄他的越南三步曲的最后一部《天与地》。When not producing art of his own, Oliver was busy advancing the work of others.奥利弗在不搞自己的艺术创作时,就会忙着帮助别人完成作品。True to form, Oliver turned up late and drunk.跟往常一样,奥利弗来晚了,还喝得醉醺醺的。Oliver squeaked through the French examination.奥利佛勉强通过了法语考试。Oliver is coming along nicely at school.奥利弗在学校进步很快。Oliver tramped upstairs to his room.奥利弗蹬蹬地走到楼上自己的房间。The island was used by Dickens as the setting for Oliver Twist.狄更斯把这个岛作为《雾都孤儿》的故事背景。She cried when she spoke of Oliver.她提起奥利弗的时候哭了。Stan Laurel appeared in many comedies with his co-star Oliver Hardy.斯坦·劳雷尔和他的搭档奥利弗·哈迪联袂主演了许多喜剧片。Mr. Oliver worked for 30 years in the movies.奥利佛在电影界工作三十年。Oliver looked with distaste at my clothes.奥利弗厌恶地看着我的衣服。Mrs Oliver is acquainted with my mother.奥利弗太太和我妈妈认识。Oliver dashed out of the house.奥利弗冲出了房子。Tears stood in Oliver's eyes.奥利弗双眼噙着泪。If I had not discovered Oliver's letter, I might never have known.如果我没有发现奥利弗的信,我也许永远不会知道。Oliver started out at five, when it was still dark.五点钟天还没亮时奥利弗就出发了。Mrs Oliver felt a sudden desire to burst out crying.奥利弗太太突然有一种想要放声大哭的感觉。Even Oliver felt a tiny spark of excitement.甚至连奥利弗都感到了一丝兴奋。He tried to make Oliver cry by hitting him, pulling his hair, and calling him names.他对奥利弗又打又拉头发又是骂,想把他弄哭。Produced by Oliver Stone, 'Wild Palms' co-stars Dana Delaney, Jim Belushi and Angie Dickinson.《野棕榈》由奥利弗·斯通制片,达娜·德莱尼、吉姆·贝鲁西和安吉·迪金森联袂主演。Oliver's not really her brother.奥利弗其实不是她的兄弟。You don't want to let Oliver loose in the kitchen.你不想让奥利弗在厨房里到处乱跑吧。




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