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词汇 awarded
例句 He was awarded a knighthood in recognition of his truly great contribution to the British cinema.他因对英国电影的贡献而被授予爵位。She was awarded the prize for both films.她的两部电影双双获奖。He was awarded a medal as a mark of merit for long and faithful service.他被授予奖章,以表彰他长期忠诚奉献的功勋。The company won a multi-million-dollar contract to build a new courthouse. = The company was awarded a multi-million-dollar contract to build a new courthouse.这家公司获得了承建新法院大楼数百万美元的合同。The thesis was awarded a magna cum laude qualification.这篇论文获得优异成绩。Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to Quantum Theory.爱因斯坦因对量子论的贡献而获授诺贝尔奖。The franchise was awarded to a French company.特许经营权给了一家法国公司。The final marks awarded for coursework will depend upon the moderator.课程的最后分数由评分审核人决定。He was vindicated in court and damages were awarded.他在法庭上被证明无罪,并且获得了损害赔偿金。He will be awarded the honorary degree in a ceremony at Newcastle University.他将在纽卡斯尔大学的一个仪式上获授荣誉学位。He was awarded a patent for his invention.他因其发明被授予专利。He was awarded a place at Leeds University.他被利兹大学录取了。The contract was awarded to a previously unknown company.合同签给了一个之前并不知名的公司。The Army posthumously awarded him a medal for bravery.他死后美国陆军授予他英勇勋章。The court awarded the victims millions of dollars in compensation.法庭判给受害者数百万美金作为赔偿。After two hours of pomp and circumstance, the diplomas were awarded and the audience went wild.两小时的隆重仪式过后,颁发了毕业文凭,观众们疯狂起来。After graduation he was awarded a scholarship to do research.他毕业后获得了一笔科研奖学金。She was awarded a scholarship to Columbia University.她获得了哥伦比亚大学的奖学金。The plaque awarded to Grant is a mark of recognition for his years of service.牌匾授予格兰特是对他多年来的服务的认可。He was posthumously awarded the Military Cross.他死后被授予十字军功章。Young should have been booked for simulation, not awarded a penalty.杨应该因为假摔而得黄牌,而不是因此赚了一个点球。The jury awarded damages to the defendant.陪审团裁决被告承担损害赔偿金。Some company directors have awarded themselves huge pay rises.一些公司董事已给他们自己大幅加薪了。After the war she was posthumously awarded the George Cross.她在战争结束之后被追授了乔治勋章。The booby prize was awarded to the worst singer in the competition.末名奖颁给了比赛中最差的歌手。The University awarded him an honorary degree.这所大学授给他名誉学位。He was awarded first prize in the National Poetry Competition.他获得全国诗歌竞赛冠军。He was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize with Alex Mueller.他和亚历克斯・米勒共同获授诺贝尔奖。The Queen awarded a knighthood to the famous actor.女王将爵士头衔授予这位著名男演员。The courts awarded residency to Trisha's father.法院把监护权判给了特里沙的父亲。She has been awarded the title Professor.她已被授予教授职称。He was awarded the George Cross.他被授予乔治十字勋章。He was awarded several medals for gallantry in battle.他因作战英勇被授予多枚勋章。The judge awarded me first prize.裁判评我一等奖。The wounded man was awarded a Purple Heart.这位伤员被授予了紫心勋章。She was awarded the Nobel Prize for her work in medical research.她因在医学上所做的研究工作而获诺贝尔奖。The girl's father was awarded sole custody.女孩的父亲获得了单独监护权。Costs were awarded against the plaintiff.诉讼费判定由原告承担。The referee awarded a corner.裁判员判了一次角球。Students who complete the course successfully will be awarded a diploma.顺利修完这门课程的学生将被授予文凭。




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