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The minuses far outweigh the possible gains.弊端远远大于可能获得的收益。The minuses far outweigh that possible gain.弊端远远大于那可能获得的收益。She decided that the pluses of owning a home outweighed the minuses.她认定买房子利大于弊。She talked about some of the pluses and minuses of being self-employed.她讲到了从事自由职业的一些利和弊。Each startup community has its own plusses and minuses, quirks and idiosyncracies.每个初创企业社区都有自己的优缺点、弊病和特质。Traffic noise is one of the minuses of living on a main road.车辆的噪音是住在交通干道旁的不利条件之一。 |