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词汇 释放
例句 The drug is surgically implanted into a woman's arm where it gradually releases the hormones into the body.这种药物被通过手术的方式植入一位女子的手臂,它会逐渐向人体释放荷尔蒙。This device screws into the shutter release button.这个装置能旋进快门释放按钮。The Professor said that deep sleep allowed suppressed anxieties to surface.教授说深度睡眠可以使压抑的焦虑情绪得以释放He demanded to be released after two hours of detainment.被扣押两小时后他要求获得释放The compound slowly releases iron into the bloodstream.这种化合物慢慢将铁释放到血流中。We are calling upon the government to release all political prisoners.我们正呼吁政府释放所有政治犯。He was given a conditional discharge.他被有条件释放了。Hundreds of political prisoners were pardoned and released.数百名政治犯被赦免释放The court was forced to release him on a technicality.法庭由于技术细节问题被迫释放了他。The disease releases toxins into the bloodstream.这种病会释放毒素到血液中。Due to a lack of evidence against the suspect, the police had to let the prisoner go.由于指控嫌疑犯的证据不足,警方只得释放他。The judge immediately instructed that Beattie be released.法官立即宣布释放贝蒂。In future, prisoners must serve at least half of their sentence before qualifying for any type of early release.自现在起,囚犯必须至少服满其刑期的一半才有资格获得任何形式的提前释放Human Rights groups are calling for the release of political prisoners.人权组织呼吁释放政治犯。Basketball provided an outlet for their excess energy.篮球为他们过盛的精力提供了释放途径。The skunk releases a pungent smell as a means of protection.臭鼬释放刺鼻的气味来保护自己。The police absolved the suspect.警方释放了嫌疑犯。Create a new partition from the newly freed space.在刚释放的空间里创建一个新的分区。The eruption of the volcano unleashed a tremendous amount of lava.火山的爆发释放了大量的岩浆。The man was released after being officially reprimanded for illegal possession of a knife.那名男子因非法藏有匕首,被正式训斥了一顿然后释放Israel is set to free more Lebanese prisoners.以色列准备释放更多的黎巴嫩犯人。A busload of schoolchildren were held ransom until the gang were given a plane.直到给了绑匪们一架飞机,他们才将全车的学童们释放He returned to Britain so that he could indulge his passion for football.他重返英国,为的是可以尽情释放自己对足球的激情。They let the prisoner go. = The prisoner was let go.他们释放了那个囚犯。He let slip that he had information that could lead to the freeing of men in jail. He expanded, and we ran a story in Time Out.他无意中透露出他掌握了一些信息,可以让犯人们得以释放。他详细说明情况,我们将其报道在《暂停》周刊上。What he wanted was release from prison and freedom.他想要的是从监狱释放并获得自由。The prisoner is eligible for early release.这名囚犯符合提前释放的条件。They petitioned the Government for the release of the political prisoners.他们向政府请愿要求释放政治犯。The drug acts by blocking the release of testosterone.该药能用于阻止睾丸素的释放Two arrests were made, but the men were later released without charge.有两人被捕,但后来没有起诉他们就释放了。The court ordered his release from prison.法院下令把他从监狱里释放The judge adjudicated that he should be released.法官裁定应当将他释放He called the minister of the interior and, lo and behold, within about an hour, the prisoners were released.他给内政部长打了个电话,结果你看,不到一个钟头囚犯就给释放了。The ambassador promised to do everything in his power to get the hostages released.大使承诺尽其所能让人质得以释放The government released him as a gesture of goodwill.政府释放他示好。The release of prisoners remains an obstacle in the path of a peace agreement.释放战俘问题仍然是和谈道路上的一个障碍。Dunning was conditionally discharged for two years.邓宁被有条件释放两年。Several hostages were released as a goodwill gesture.为了表示善意,几名人质获得了释放Natural gas gives off less carbon dioxide than coal.天然气释放的二氧化碳比煤炭少。They have also been confused by the signals emanating from Washington over its foreign policy.他们也被华盛顿当局就其外交政策释放的信号弄糊涂了。




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