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词汇 oily
例句 A pall of oily black smoke drifted over the clifftop.一团油腻的黑烟在悬崖上空漂浮。The dog's luxurious golden coat was thick and oily to the touch.这条狗身上那华美的金色毛皮摸上去又厚又滑。When she was younger, she had very oily skin.她年轻的时候是油性皮肤。Lank or naturally oily hair is often difficult to care for.平直或天生的油性头发往往难于护理。He wiped his hands on an oily rag.他在一块油腻的抹布上擦了擦手。The sauce has an oily texture.这种调料感觉很油腻。This moisturizer is particularly good for those with oily complexions.这款保湿霜尤其适合那些油性皮肤的人。The salad dressing was very oily.沙拉酱很油腻。He had behaved with undue and oily familiarity.他表现得过于亲热,媚态毕现。He had rather oily hands.他的手油乎乎的。The surface is rough and slightly oily.表面粗糙,而且有些油污。He cleaned the car with an oily rag.他用一块沾满油污的破布擦汽车。The liquid has an oily feel.这种液体是油质的。Cleansing creams leave an oily film on the face.洁面霜在脸上留下薄薄的一层油脂。An oily lawyer turned up with the deeds to Uncle Cyrus's house.一位油滑的律师带着赛勒斯叔叔的房契出现了。The sparks set fire to the oily rags.火花使浸了油的破布烧了起来。Wiping his oily hands on a piece of cloth, he reached into his pocket and handed me the bill.他用布擦了擦油腻的手,然后把手伸进口袋,递给我账单。He was an oily, opportunistic skunk.他是个油头滑脑、令人生厌的人。There's evidence that oily fish, as distinct from fatty meat, has a beneficial effect.有证据表明,与肥肉相反,油性鱼类对身体有益处。There's a lot of evidence that oily fish, as distinct from fatty meat, has a beneficial effect.有许多证据表明油性鱼,与高脂肪肉不同,对人体有益。You can use an astringent to make your skin less oily.你可以用收敛水来减弱皮肤的油性。As with all oily hair treatments, shampoo needs to be applied first.跟所有油性头发的护理一样,必须要先用洗发水。Cream cleansers are totally off limits for oily skin.油性皮肤不能使用洁面霜。It is prized for foiling oily fish, fatty meats and dairy-rich desserts.其因给油性鱼类、多脂肉类和含乳量高的甜点做锡箔而备受青睐。The older man asked in his oily voice what he could do for them today.年长的那个男人声音谄媚地询问今天能为他们做些什么。She had imagined him to be a sinister and more oily individual.她曾把他设想成一个阴险邪恶、而且还要油滑些的人。Her skin/hair is oily.她是油性皮肤/发质。Sebum is the oily substance that gives you greasy skin.皮脂是让皮肤滑腻的油性物质。He shone the torch down on the oily-black water swilling only feet below.他拿手电筒照向下面几英尺处晃动着的油黑水面。I was pleased it hadn't left an oily mark on the wallpaper.我很高兴壁纸上没有留下油渍。The floor was filthy, greasy, and oily.地板肮脏不堪,满是油污。A little vinegar will take off the oily taste.加点醋可以去掉油味。Women with oily skin have oily hair that may need a daily shampoo.油性皮肤的女性会有油性头发,可能需要适合每天使用的洗发水。He was wiping his hands on an oily rag.他在用一块沾满油污的抹布擦手。He was an oily and repulsive little man.他是个油头滑脑、令人讨厌的小人。Paul found the sauce too oily.保罗觉得这种酱太油腻了。




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