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词汇 oil spill
例句 The oil spill is causing problems for coastal fisheries.石油泄漏给沿海捕鱼业带来了问题。News is coming in about an oil spill in the South Atlantic.有报道称南大西洋发生溢油事件。The cleanup costs of the oil spill will be in the millions of dollars.清理泄露石油将花费数百万美元。Safety regulations were improved in the wake of the oil spill.石油溢流后,安全法规随之得以完善。The oil spill is responsible for the killing of thousands of birds.这次漏油事件造成数千只鸟儿死亡。Special workers were called in to decontaminate the area after the oil spill.漏油事故发生后,专业人员被召集来给这一地区清除污染。The cleanup of the oil spill took months.把溢出的石油清除干净花了数月的时间。Miles of beaches were polluted by the oil spill.数英里的海滩被溢油污染了。The oil spill has spoiled the whole beautiful coastline.溢出的石油破坏了整段漂亮的海岸线。The oil spill was a disaster for Alaskan sea animals.石油泄漏对阿拉斯加的海洋动物是一场灾难。The oil spill had devastating consequences for wildlife.这次石油泄漏对野生生物造成了毁灭性的影响。Environmentalists are doing everything within their power to minimize the impact of the oil spill.环境保护主义者正竭尽所能把石油外溢造成的影响减少到最低限度。Scientists say the oil spill is an ecological catastrophe.科学家说原油泄漏是一场生态大灾难。The cleaning-up operation after the oil spill will be difficult but not insoluble.泄油事件的善后清理工作很困难,但也不是解决不了的。An oil spill coupled with strong winds brought disaster.石油泄漏再加上强风肆虐造成了灾难。The report detailed the sequence of events that led to the oil spill.报告详细叙述了发生溢油事件的一连串经过。An oil spill on this part of the coast is the conservationists’ nightmare scenario.这一段海岸若出现漏油事件,那将是环保主义者的噩梦。It took years to clean up the mess caused by the oil spill.原油泄漏造成的污染用了几年时间才清理干净。The oil spill did irreparable harm to the bay.漏油对海湾造成了难以弥补的损害。The ship's owner has assumed responsibility for cleaning up the oil spill.船主承担了清除溢油的责任。The oil spill was an environmental catastrophe.这次石油泄漏是一场环境灾难。The oil spill along the shores was a potential ecological disaster.这次沿海岸的石油溢流可能造成生态灾祸。The oil spill has killed off billions of microscopic sea plants, thus threatening marine life further up the food chain.溢油使无数微小的海洋植物大量死亡,从而对食物链中上层的海洋生命构成了威胁。An oil spill could be devastating for wildlife.溢出的油对野生动物来说可能是毁灭性的。The lives of thousands of birds are in jeopardy as a result of the oil spill.石油泄漏使成千上万只鸟的生命受到威胁。The coastline was seriously damaged by an oil spill.这条海岸线因原油溢出受到了严重毁坏。After the oil spill, thousands of fishermen stand to lose their livelihoods.石油泄漏发生后,许多渔民很可能会失去生计。The oil spill had a devastating effect on sea birds and other wildlife.泄油事件对海鸟和其他野生生物造成了毁灭性的影响。The company is trying to lessen the impact of the oil spill on marine life.公司试图减轻漏油事故对海洋生物的影响。Scientists have not yet determined the full impact of the oil spill.科学家们还不清楚原油泄漏的全面影响。The effects of the oil spill were devastating for wildlife.石油溢漏会对野生生物造成毁灭性后果。Large booms were brought in to help contain the oil spill.大水栅被用来防止石油漫溢。The oil spill fouled the river and destroyed habitats.石油泄漏污染了河流,破坏了野生动物聚居地。The pipeline had cracked a long time before the oil spill occurred.泄油事件发生之前,输油管早已出现裂缝。The oil spill endangered thousands of birds.石油的溢泄危及成千上万的鸟儿。




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