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词汇 of yours
例句 I wish that interfering brother of yours would keep out of my affairs.我希望你那个爱管闲事的哥哥别来管我的事。Get upstairs and wake up that idle brother of yours.上楼去叫醒你那懒惰的哥哥。That new secretary of yours is a real find!你的那位新秘书是难得的人才!That kid of yours has trashed my VCR.你那个宝贝孩子故意弄坏了我的录像机。He sounds a suitable person, and if he's a friend of yours, well, so much the better.听起来他是个合适的人选,如果他是你的朋友,那就更好了。I'd like a skin specialist to look at that rash of yours.我想让皮肤专家看看你的皮疹。That git of a brother of yours has ruined everything!你那个蠢货兄弟把一切都搞砸了!That new car of yours is beaut!你那辆新车真的棒极了!It's no business of yours who I voted for.我投了谁的票不关你的事。Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that this idea of yours works.让我们祈求好运,希望你的办法行得通。That brother of yours is full of boasts.你那个宝贝兄弟满口大话。I believe Paul was a friend of yours.我想保罗是你的一个朋友。That child of yours seems to me to rule the roast in this house.据我看,在这个家里一切都由你那个孩子说了算。You're squashing my leg with that suitcase of yours.你那只手提箱要把我的腿给压坏了。I ditched that old hat of yours.我扔掉了你那顶旧帽子。I'll swap you three of mine for one of yours.我以我的三个换你一个。My wife is a big fan of yours.我的妻子是您的忠实粉丝。That aftershave of yours is smelling out the whole house.整个房子都弥漫着你那个须后水的味道。That friend of yours – what's her name again?你的那个朋友,她叫什么名字,再说一遍?There are too many ifs in this plan of yours.你的计划里有太多的假设。This plan of yours won't work.你的这个计划行不通。You'd better wash those gluey hands of yours.你的手黏糊糊的,最好去洗洗。Our view is the very opposite of yours.我们的意见正好和你们的相反。I suggest you give up this little charade of yours.我建议你不要再玩你这种小把戏了。Don't let this interest of yours become an obsession.不要让你的这一兴趣迷了心窍。This plan of yours cuts into our schedule rather badly.你的这个计划要占去我们日程表里不少时间。My suit is quite shabby at the side of yours.跟你的套装相比我的这套太寒酸了。There's an old pair of shoes of yours lying at/in the bottom of the wardrobe.衣柜最下面放着一双你的旧鞋子。That remark of yours about Jack got home.你对杰克的评价被完全接受。That bag of yours weighs a ton.你的这只包重得不得了。I told my friends it was a sure thing, and they bet every last penny on that horse of yours.我告诉朋友肯定会赢的,于是他们把所有钱都押在你那匹马上。Go and wake up that idle brother of yours.去把你那懒惰的兄弟叫醒。You probably picked up my keys instead of yours.你可能没拿你的钥匙而错拿了我的钥匙了。There is no sense in fastening on that pretext of yours.一味强调你那个借口是没有用处的。I threw out that old shirt of yours.我把你的那件旧衬衣扔了。That temper of yours is going to get you into trouble.你的那种坏脾气会给你带来麻烦的。I won’t stand for the friend of yours who highhats.我再也受不了你那位举止傲慢的朋友了。We strongly protest against this remark of yours.我们强烈抗议你说的这句话。You need to barber that beard of yours.你需要刮你那胡须。You really should do something about that pot belly of yours.你的肚子那么大,真该采取点行动了。




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