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例句 He wondered what awaited him at the end of his journey.他不知道旅程终了时他将遭遇到什么。The news was eagerly awaited.人们急切地等待着消息。They awaited the commencement of the trial.他们等待着审判的开始。The championships made their long-awaited return to the West Coast.锦标赛回到了期待已久的西海岸举办。The next morning we received the long-awaited order to attack.第二天早上,我们接到等了很久的进攻命令。The convicts awaited their fate in prison.已决犯在狱中等待着自己的命运。A nasty surprise awaited them in Rosemary Lane.在罗斯玛丽巷,一起严重的意外事件正等待着他们。A princely welcome awaited them.隆重的欢迎场面等待着他们。Many people awaited outside the building.许多人在屋外等着。What awaited the politician was suspicion and unfriendliness from the local residents.等待这位政治家的是当地居民的怀疑和敌意。A crowd of people awaited the train.一群人正等着火车。The players anxiously awaited the verdict of the umpire.球员们焦急地等待裁判的裁决。How anxiously she awaited my answer.她焦急万分地等待我的答复。A marvellous reception awaited me on my first day at work.上班第一天,迎接我的是盛大的欢迎会。A stack of files awaited me on my desk.桌子上有一堆文件等着我。On my bedside table awaited, with the compliments of the management, an appetizing breakfast.一份让人垂涎的早餐摆在我的床头桌上,那是管理人员的一点小意思。We awaited the arrival of the chairman.我们等候主席的到来。Her long-awaited new novel is finally being published.她那本让人期待已久的新小说终于要出版了。She awaited her punishment with dread.她怀着恐惧等待受罚。We eagerly awaited the coming of spring.我们热切期待春天的到来。Last week the commission published its long-awaited report on the problem of teenage pregnancies.上周委员会公布了人们期盼已久的关于少女妊娠问题的报告。The Henstocks were lucky enough to find lodgings in the village while they awaited a new home.亨斯托克一家人很幸运,他们在等着搬新家的时候,在村子里租到了一个公寓。In his later years, he changed from a slight annoyance into an eagerly-awaited visitor.在晚年,他从一个有点儿惹别人讨厌的角色变成被人热切等候光临的嘉宾。They marched north to civilization where fame and fortune awaited.他们向北行进到名利唾手可得的文明世界去。Lulled into a false sense of security, we eagerly awaited their return.我们被一种虚假的安全感所麻痹,急切地等着他们回来。They were warned of the dreadful fate that awaited them if ever they returned to their homes.他们受到警告:如果回家就会面临可怕的命运。A nasty surprise awaited them.一桩倒霉事等着他们呢。He was still twitchy and we awaited Ann's return anxiously…他仍然焦虑不安,我们担心地等着安回来。She is bringing out an eagerly awaited solo album next month.下个月她将推出受到热切期待的独唱专辑。Several long-awaited videos will finally arrive in the shops this month.几部让人翘首企盼的录像片终于将在这个月到货。Several long-awaited DVDs will finally arrive in the shops this month.几部让人翘首企盼的数字影碟终于将在这个月到货。For many, their long-awaited homecoming was a bitter disappointment.对许多人来说,他们期盼已久的还乡之行却令他们大失所望。Numerous requests awaited him.许多要求等待他处理。A hushed courtroom awaited the verdict.法庭上一片寂静,人们在等待裁决。All in all, it appeared that a pretty depressing summer awaited Jones.总之,等待琼斯的似乎是一个相当令人沮丧的夏天。It is hoped that these measures will trigger the long-awaited upturn in the economy.希望这些措施能带来盼望已久的经济复苏。The long-awaited decision on funding is due today.对资金方面期待已久的决定今天该有着落了。We made careful plans and awaited the event.我们制订了详尽的计划,等待着结果。Present tonight at the long-awaited opening of this film are a whole galaxy of stars from the acting and musical professions.人们期待已久的电影首映式今晚举行,一大批影星歌星前来捧场。The Koots are making their anxiously awaited return tour to Australia.库特一家已踏上了迫不及待返回澳大利亚的旅程。




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