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词汇 off work
例句 He suggested that I take a week or so off work.他建议我休假一星期左右。He's been off work for months with depression.他患有抑郁症,已经几个月没有工作了。He's been off work with a trapped nerve in his back.他因背部神经受到压迫而不再工作。On her doctor's advice, she took a few days off work.在医生的建议之下,她请假休息了几天。He's off work with a flu bug.他因为得了流感不能上班。He's been off work ever since he hurt his back in a riding accident.自从在一次骑马事故中伤了背后,他就没有上过班了。He made allegations that Britons often feign illness to skive off work.他声称英国人常常装病逃避工作。Julia knows how to play up to the supervisors - she can always get time off work when she wants it.朱莉娅懂得如何讨好上司——这样她随时都能请假。Backaches are the cause of many hours off work.背痛是很多人上班请假的原因。After her divorce, Dora had a nervous breakdown and was off work for three months.离婚后,多拉的精神崩溃了,三个月未去上班。A day off work is such a luxury.休息一天不用上班简直是一种奢侈。You are allowed time off work only in cases of serious illness or bereavement.只有在患重病或家人去世的情况下你才可以请假不来上班。I got off work early last Thursday so I could see the parade.我上周四下班早,所以看到了游行。He's off work with a stomach bug.他胃部不适没有上班。The boss said we could knock off early today. = The boss said we could knock off work early today.老板说我们今天可以早下班。Millions of football fans are expected to bunk off work to watch the big match.预计数百万足球迷会丢下工作去看这场大赛。The bill was designed to permit new fathers to take time off work.该议案旨在允许初为人父者休假。He had to take some time off work due to personal problems .由于一些个人问题,他不得不休假。Out of concern for her health, we suggested she take a week off work.出于对她健康的考虑,我们建议她休息一周。I get off work at five.我五点钟下班。Steve was off work for a week after he shut his hand in the car door.史蒂夫的手被车门夹伤后,他一个星期没有上班。In those days they didn't let you off work to go home very often.在当时,他们并不经常准许请假回家。Needless to say, he'll be off work for a while.当然,他会暂停工作一段时间。He took a few days off work to give himself a welcome and much-needed change of pace.他休息了几天让自己换换节奏。这是他想要的,也是很有必要的。She's off work with a bad cold.她因患重感冒在休息。Her boss was very supportive and gave her time off work to see her mum.她的老板非常热心地帮助她,并准许她请假去看望母亲。She's been off work with an upset stomach.她因胃部不适没来上班。Paul's off work - he's got a bad cold.保罗没有上班,他得了重感冒。If you want any time off work,you'll have to ask the guvnor.如果工作时间你想出去一会儿,你得去问老板。He spun some tale about needing to take time off work because his mother was ill.他编了个瞎话,说他妈妈病了,他需要请假。She couldn't afford the time off work to see him.她工作太忙,抽不出空去看他。When we were in port, he let me off work and allowed me to go ashore.我们在港口停靠时,他准许我不工作,并允许我上岸。We feel very privileged because we get a year off work with full pay.我们感到非常荣幸因为我们有一年的全薪假期。Since Mr Bennett was going to need some time off work, he asked for a sick note.本内特先生想要请几天假,就请医生开了病假条。Time off work because of sickness is paid at the full rate.病休期拿全额工资。Americans get much less time off work than European workers.比起欧洲的工人,美国的工人闲暇时间要少得多。He's been off work for a week.他已有一周时间没上班了。A slight cold does not warrant your staying off work.一场小感冒不能成为你不上班的理由。She pretended to be ill and took a day off work.她装病休息了一天。I took the day off work because I didn't want to pass on my flu to everyone in the office.我那天请了假,因为我不想把感冒传染给全办公室的人。




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