例句 |
Most accidents are easily avoidable.大多数事故是容易避免的。A number of illnesses are entirely avoidable.许多疾病是完全可以避免的。Most accidents in the home are avoidable.大多数家庭事故都是可以避免的。Running out of gas is annoying and easily avoidable.汽油用完很令人气恼,但也是很容易避免的。The tragedy is that the conflict was largely avoidable.悲剧在于冲突本来在很大程度上是可以避免的。It was a foolish and easily avoidable accident.这是一起愚蠢的、可以轻易避免的事故。These injuries were avoidable.这些伤是可以避免的。In spite of these latest threats, war may still be avoidable.尽管最近战争威胁不断,仍有可能避免开战。The tragedy was entirely avoidable.那场悲剧是完全可以避免的。 |