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My boss seems to think he has a divine right to order people around.我的老板似乎觉得他随意使唤身边的人是天经地义的。Pregnancy is a natural part of womanhood.女人怀孕是天经地义的事。The BBC thought it was right and proper not to show the film.英国广播公司认为不播放这部电影是天经地义的。It's only right that parents should help their children.父母帮助自己的孩子是天经地义的事。They seem to think they have a divine right to stage the next Olympics.他们似乎认为由他们举办下一届奥运会是天经地义的。Going out and getting drunk was considered to be the thing to do.出门喝个一醉方休才回来在过去被认为是天经地义的事。 |