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例句 Buy low and sell high should be the mantra of any retailer.低买高卖是任何一个零售商常挂嘴边的口号。O'Keeffe was influenced by various painters and photographers, but she was never a member of any school.欧姬芙受多位画家和摄影家的影响,但她从未加入过任何学派。A freeholder may grant a lease of any duration.房地产的终身保有者可以给予任何期限的租约。The paintings are not of any great monetary value.这些画不值钱。The test of any civilised society is how it treats its minorities.如何对待少数群体,这是对任何一个文明社会的考验。The Bishop of Limerick was quick to clip the wings of any liberal-minded priests.利默里克的主教迅速出手压制任何思想开明的牧师。Being unpopular at school can cause real heartache to children of any age.在学校里如果不受欢迎,任何年龄的孩子都会感到很伤心。He will be back soon, cleared of any blot on his escutcheon.他很快便会洗刷掉所有的污点,卷土重来。The idea that software is capable of any task is broadly true in theory.认为软件能够处理任何任务的观念从理论上说基本是正确的。She has a hearty dislike of any sort of office work.她对任何一种办公室工作都极为反感。She'd never received the merest hint of any communication from him.她从未得到他准备沟通的一丁点儿暗示。The State Department said it had no knowledge of any threats to U.S. security.国务院称没有察觉到有任何威胁美国安全的事。She had always been afraid of any emotional entanglements.她总是害怕有什么感情瓜葛。We have no quarrel with the people of Spain or of any other country.我们和西班牙以及其他国家的人民并无分歧。In spite of any condition,he will stick by his principles.在任何情况下,他都会坚持原则的She acted beyond the jurisdiction of any teacher.她的行为超越了任何一个老师的权力范围。I demand the best of any pen I buy!我要买质量最好的钢笔! Leave no scope for misunderstandings of any type.要杜绝造成任何形式的误解的可能。Some people, of course, denied the validity of any such claim.当然,一些人否定了此类说法的合理性。The reaction of any individual trauma victim is difficult to predict.很难预测每个人对各自所遭受的创伤有何种反应。The lack of any answer from him gave her the answer.他没有给她任何回音,这就使她什么都明白了。France has the largest peacekeeping contingent of any nation.法国派出的维和部队是所有国家中人数最多的。The pike is the longest-lived of any freshwater fish.狗鱼是淡水鱼中最长命的。The ordeal cured him of any ambitions to direct again.那次痛苦的经历使得他放弃了任何再当导演的想法。Respect is an important part of any relationship.尊重是任何一种关系的重要组成部分。The meat and potatoes of any contract is money.任何合同的关键都是钱的问题。We should be discouraging the unnecessary destruction of any wild species.我们应该阻止任何不必要的灭绝野生物种的行为。The Foreign Ministry has issued a flat denial of any involvement.外交部已经坚决否认参与过此事。The Government has tried to wriggle out of any responsibility for providing childcare for working parents.政府试图推脱为在职父母提供儿童保育服务的责任。Please inform us of any change of address as soon as possible.地址如有变更,请尽早通知我们。The script is original and funny, streets ahead of any other situation comedy.这个剧本既有独创性又有趣,比任何情景喜剧都要好得多。This picture would be the prize of any museum's collection.这幅画在任何一个博物馆的藏品中都将是珍品。He took special care to stay clear of any place where Sally might be.他格外小心,避开萨莉可能去的任何地方。It's important for the long-term success of any diet that you vary your meals.如果想要成功做到长期节食,很重要的一点是要膳食多样化。Groundhoppers travel the world in order to attend matches of any level in as many stadiums as possible. 球场跳跃者周游世界,目的是尽可能多地去各级别比赛场地观战。I don't suppose it is of any consequence now.现在我觉得这事一点都无所谓了。I abhor discrimination of any kind.我厌恶任何一种歧视。I strongly disapprove of any form of gambling.我坚决反对任何形式的赌博。US forces are fully prepared for the execution of any action once the order is given.美军作好了充分准备,一旦命令下达,可执行任何任务。The police must be notified of any change of address.地址变动必须通知警方。




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