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词汇 big man
例句 It takes a big man to forgive him.只有宽厚的人才会原谅他。He's a big man and he's prepared to dish it out if he has to.他是个大人物,迫不得已的话,他也会站出来谴责一番的。He scoffed,“You're a big man. ”他嘲笑地说:“你是个大人物”。He runs quite fast for a big man.以他这么大的块头跑得也真够快的了。He was a big man, very tall and of commensurable weight.他是个彪形大汉,个子很高,个头也大。He was a big man in his forties, smartly dressed in a suit and tie.他是一个四十多岁的高大男子,穿西装打领带,看上去很精神。He's surprisingly quick for such a big man.对这么一个大个子来说,他的速度快得惊人。He smart-assed he was a big man.他自以为是地说他是个大人物。The big man had a high-pitched reedy voice.这个大个子男人声音又高又尖。He was a big man, smartly dressed in a suit and tie.他身材高大,穿着西服打着领带,非常帅气。A big man stood in the doorway.一个大个子男人站在门口。The big man stepped into the hall.那个大个子男人走进了大厅。You'll be shaping up a big man.你将成长为一名大人物。My father was a big man, with legs like tree trunks.我爸是大个子,双腿粗壮得像树干。He is very agile for a big man.他这么大块头,身手已算很敏捷了。Her husband was a big man.她丈夫是个大块头。




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