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词汇 occasions
例句 She wore dresses only on special occasions.她只在特殊场合穿连衣裙。Graduation Day is one of those big occasions when everyone wants a souvenir photograph.毕业典礼日是一个重大的日子,人人都想留个纪念照。I met him on four separate occasions.我在四种不同的场合中遇见过他。Taking her with me on official occasions has been a challenge.带着她出席正式场合对我来说一直是个挑战。The full costume is only worn on important ceremonial occasions.这全套礼服只有在重要的礼仪场合才穿。In China red is used for joyous and festive occasions.在中国,红色用于欢乐喜庆的场合。He saves his best jacket for special occasions. 他只在特殊场合才会穿上最好的上衣。On the rare occasions when we had to work hard, we enjoyed it.我们需要苦干的时候不多,但我们倒是很乐意的。On the rare occasions when he spoke, his voice sounded very nervous.他难得开口,而只要一开口嗓音总是战战兢兢的。This room is only used for great occasions. 这个房间只用于一些重大场合。I only wear my silk dress on special occasions.我只在特殊场合穿真丝连衣裙。Kent publicly disagreed with his fellow Ministers on many occasions.肯特在许多场合公开与同他共事的部长们争执。On numerous occasions, O'Sullivan has praised Hendry's record.奥沙利文多次赞扬亨德里过往的战绩。Television has transformed the size and social composition of the audience at great sporting occasions.电视改变了盛大体育赛事现场观众的数量和社会阶层结构。On sundry occasions he had criticized the new policy.他曾在各种场合批评新政策。This room is only used for grand occasions. 这个房间仅供重大场合之用。Eldridge was a quiet man who disliked social occasions.埃尔德里奇爱静,不喜欢社交活动。She wears makeup for special occasions, but otherwise prefers an au naturel look.她在重要场合时才化妆,平时喜欢素颜。On several occasions she had remarked on the boy's improvement.她好几次提及这个男孩的进步。She has proved her worth on numerous occasions.她已经在众多场合证明了自己的作用。We have discussed these plans on numerous occasions.我们已经多次讨论过这些计划。We've met on a number of occasions.我们见过几次面。There are strong arguments for holidays at Easter and Christmas because these are special occasions.支持复活节和圣诞节放假是有充分论据的,因为这些节日都是特殊的时刻。There are occasions when one must yield.任何人都有不得不屈服的时候。It was the first of many such occasions.这是第一次,这种情况后来发生过很多次。Big occasions have never overawed or intimidated him.他还从来没被任何大场面吓怕过。Medals are usually worn only on ceremonial occasions.勋章通常只在仪式上佩戴。Owen was unlucky not to score on two occasions.欧文不幸两次都没有进球。Witness x stated that she had seen Cooper on repeated occasions.一位不具名的目击者声称,她曾多次见到过库珀。His wife made no secret of her hatred for the formal occasions.他的妻子公开表示厌恶那些礼节性的场合。She had on occasions praised him extravagantly.有时候她过分夸赞他。Jim always felt uncomfortable on such formal occasions.吉姆在这么正式的场合总是感到不自在。I have made my position clear on numerous occasions.我已经多次表明了我的立场。I only ever use that on special occasions so it's as good as new.我只在特别的场合下才使用它,所以它跟新的一样。Etiquette is especially important on occasions such as weddings and funerals.在婚礼、葬礼等场合中,礼仪尤其重要。Of course, these occasions are rare indeed.当然,这样的场合实在稀少。He's never been overawed or intimidated by big occasions.各种大场合都没让他犯过憷。Even the most experienced eye may be taken in on certain occasions.即使是阅历最深的人在某些场合也会上当。On two occasions she had peeked at him through a crack in the wall.她曾两次透过墙缝窥视他。He represented the nation on ceremonial occasions.他代表国家出席礼节性场合。




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