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The dome of the building has been laid over with a gilding of gold.建筑物的圆顶镀了金。The gilding is extremely lavish.这层镀金极为奢华。The fire glowed, gilding her face.火光融融,照亮了她的脸。Workmen were re-gilding the cornice and pelmets in the drawing room.工匠们正在给客厅的檐口和窗帘盒重新刷金色。The gilding is extremely lavish.镀金饰面极尽奢华。Putting ice cream on this delicious cake is just gilding the lily.在这个美味的蛋糕上加冰激凌真是多此一举。Should I add a scarf to this jacket or would it be gilding the lily?穿上这件外套我再配条围巾好吗?不会显得画蛇添足吧? |