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词汇 occasional
例句 Even the most careful proofreader will miss the occasional error.即使是最仔细的校对者也会偶尔出错。It was her job to commission occasional articles.她的工作就是约人写不定期的文章。An occasional polish will keep wall tiles looking good.偶尔擦拭一下能使墙砖保持美观。She flicked through a romantic paperback between occasional dips in the pool.用在泳池里游一阵后歇一阵的几个空当,她翻完了一本平装本言情小说。He now smokes only an occasional ceremonial cigar.他现在只是为应酬偶尔抽根雪茄。There will be occasional showers during the morning.上午偶尔会有阵雨。We all need the occasional escape route from the boring, routine aspects of our lives.我们都时不时需要逃避生活中的无聊和平淡。There were also the occasional police visits to contend with.还要应付警察的偶尔到访。I get hardly any mail, bar the occasional postcard from my mother.我几乎没有任何邮件,除了我母亲偶尔会给我寄张明信片。The street was silent except for the occasional burst of laughter from one of the workmen.街上静悄悄的,偶尔传来某个工人的大笑声。Chocolate is best reserved for the occasional treat if you have a weight problem.如果有体重问题,巧克力最好只偶尔吃一次。The weather was good except for an occasional shower.除了偶尔有阵雨之外,天气很好。When they were preparing a budget, they forgot to figure in occasional travel expenses.准备预算时,他们忘了把临时的旅行支出计算在内。His London accent is very slightly nuanced by an occasional Russian pronunciation.他的伦敦口音因而时而夹杂的俄语发音而略显不同。The occasional mortar burst near our truck.偶尔有迫击炮弹在我们的卡车旁爆炸。Nature lovers will be on the lookout for eagles, cormorants, and the occasional whale.自然爱好者会留意鹰、鸬鹚和偶尔出现的鲸。Despite the occasional longueurs, this is an impressive first novel.尽管有些段落很沉闷,但它仍不失为一部给人留下深刻印象的小说处女作。There was complete silence but for the occasional sound of distant traffic.要不是远处偶尔传来汽车的声音,这里真是一片寂静。I like the occasional drink.我喜欢偶尔喝上几杯。Sure, I drink an occasional glass of wine from time to time.当然,我偶尔喝杯葡萄酒。One of the hens has an occasional chesty cough, especially when roosting at night.一只母鸡时不时地咳几声,尤其在它晚上歇息的时候。He will do it, but he may need the occasional reminder from you.他会做这件事的,只不过你可能得偶尔提醒他一下。Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but some people believe the occasional absence is necessary for a happy relationship.眼不见,心更念。但有人觉得只有偶尔分离,爱情才会保鲜。He only has occasional use of a car.他只是偶尔使用一下汽车。He should be allowed the occasional treat.应该准许他偶尔也轻松一下。She had a habit of taking an occasional nip from a flask of cognac.她习惯于偶尔从法国白兰地酒瓶中倒点酒喝。She had occasional bouts of chest pain.她偶尔会感到胸痛。She's an occasional lecturer at the university.她是那所大学的短期讲师。It's so quiet here that the occasional distant siren is the only intrusion.这里非常安静,偶尔远处会传来汽笛声。They had an occasional coffee together after shopping.他们偶尔会在购物后一起喝杯咖啡。Chocolate is best kept as an occasional treat.巧克力最好作为偶尔吃一吃的东西。The menu includes the occasional off-beat item.菜单中包括了偶尔会有的非传统菜肴。Esther used to visit him for the occasional days and weekends.埃丝特过去会偶尔在周末或别的日子来探望他。We heard the occasional rumble of a passing truck.我们偶尔听到卡车驶过的隆隆声。He tells an occasional joke to keep his students interested.有时他会讲个笑话来保持学生们的兴趣。Apart from the occasional letter, they had not been in touch for years.除了偶尔通信之外,他们好多年没有联系了。I post the occasional blog entry.我偶尔会发一条博客。I heard the occasional ring of a bicycle bell in the night.我听到夜里不时响起自行车铃声。I see my cousins only at occasional family gatherings.我只是在偶尔举行的家庭聚会上见到我的表兄弟姐妹们。The house only needs an occasional coat of paint to keep it shipshape.房子只需偶尔粉刷一次就可以保持整洁。




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