例句 |
History is replete with examples of populations out of control.历史上人口失控的例子比比皆是。Eliot's poetry is full of biblical allusions.艾略特的诗作中圣经典故比比皆是。Similarity between the two texts is too consistent to be coincidental.这两个文本中的相似之处从头到尾比比皆是,不像是偶然的巧合。Thrillers are ten a penny these days.如今恐怖片比比皆是。The newspaper claimed there were widespread irregularities in the election.报纸声称选举过程中的违规行为比比皆是。Within government, favoritism and nepotism are rampant.在政府内部,偏袒和裙带关系比比皆是。The number of women who become pregnant after adopting children is legion.领养小孩后怀孕的妇女比比皆是。 |