例句 |
Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. It all averages out in the end.你有时赢,有时输。最终会扯平。Snowfall averages out in this part of the country at(或to) twenty inches a year.这一地区的年降雪量平均为20英寸。The irregularities averaged out over the course of the study.整个研究过程中,不规则呈均衡分布。Gains and losses average out to a large profit each month.每月得失相抵仍有许多赚头。Hot and cold days often average out in a year.一年中炎热的日子和寒冷的日子往往相等。The highs and lows of life tend to average out in the end.人生一世,往往起起落落,到头来还算公道。We were given a set of figures to average out.给了我们一组数据要算平均数。 |