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词汇 a variety
例句 The speakers declaimed on a variety of issues.发言者们就不同的议题慷慨陈词。We have had occasion to deal with members of the group on a variety of charges.我们有必要以多项罪名起诉该组织的成员。Use a variety of bright bold colors to make your design visually attractive.运用各种鲜亮显眼的颜色,可以让你的设计产生视觉上的美感。The people interviewed followed a variety of occupations.接受面试的这些人从事过各种工作。There used to be a variety of foods at choice in that cafeteria.那家自助餐馆以前有各种各样的食品可供选择。Neglect of children can take a variety of forms.对孩子们的疏于照料可以表现为多种形式。She uses a variety of everyday objects in her art.她把各种各样的日常用品运用到自己的艺术作品中。Children do badly at school for a variety of reasons.小孩子在学校里表现不好有各种原因。She was no mean performer on a variety of other instruments.许多别的乐器她也演奏得相当出色。The room was decorated in a variety of reds, blues, and yellows.房间以红、蓝和黄几种色调装饰。They strapped on a variety of equipment.他们用皮带把各种装备捆好。This method is applicable to a variety of problems.这一方法适用于解决多种问题。The store sells a variety of goods.这家商店出售琳琅满目的商品。His talk ranged over a variety of matters.他的谈话涉及到各种各样的事情。The school uses a variety of tests for its annual student assessments. 学校采用各种不同的测试方法对学生进行年度测评。Charlatans advertise a variety of fat-reducing treatments in the back of magazines.骗子们在杂志封底刊登各种各样的减肥疗法广告。These rollers have a variety of manufacturing uses.这些滚轮有各种制造用途。Choose a variety of foods and ring the changes with meals.选择不同种类的食物,每顿饭换换花样。The farm grows a variety of grains.田地里种植着各种各样的谷物。We hiked through a variety of terrains.我们徒步穿越了各种不同的地形。Households accumulate wealth in a variety of ways.家庭以各种各样的形式积累财富。He has become more venturesome this season with dress designs that incorporate a variety of ethnic influences.这一季他的服装设计更加大胆,吸收了丰富的民族元素。The department store carries a variety of leather shoes.这家百货商店经售各种皮鞋。The company sells a variety of gardening products.这家公司出售各类园艺产品。Companies use a variety of testing procedures to select appropriate candidates.公司运用多种测试程序来挑选合适的人员。He has a variety of health problems.他有诸多健康问题。We use a variety of tactics to make learning fun.我们运用各种策略使学习有趣起来。Metabolic disorders arise from a variety of genetic defects involving chemical pathways within cells.代谢疾病的产生源自体内涉及化学通路的基因的缺陷。The rock drawings depict a variety of stylized mythological figures and patterns.这些岩画刻画了大批非写实的神话形象和图案。The conversation had ranged over a variety of topics, from sport to current affairs.谈话内容广泛,从体育运动到时事都有所涉及。The unit is equipped to deal with a variety of situations, including undercover surveillance.安装这个设备是为了应付多种情形,其中包括秘密监控。A reporter tries to guard against inaccuracies by checking with a variety of sources.报告人核查资料来源以防止出现差错。Recently he has come under savage fire from a variety of journalists.近来他受到了许多报界人士猛烈的抨击。After he left school, he tried his hand at a variety of jobs—bricklayer, cinema usher, coal man.离开学校后,他尝试过各种工作,如泥瓦匠、电影院引座员、运煤工。We spend the time collating and presenting the information in a variety of chart forms.我们花费时间用各种各样的图表来比照和展示这些信息。The students are from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.学生有着不同的种族背景。The book is a collection of his previously unpublished essays on/about a variety of topics.这本书是一部文集,收录了他此前未发表、涵盖诸多主题的随笔。Lake Baringo is a freshwater haven for a variety of birds.巴林戈湖是各种鸟类的淡水栖息所。Her lectures were always stimulating and covered a variety of subjects.她的演讲向来发人深省,并且涉及许多话题。The virus circulates via the bloodstream and causes ill health in a variety of organs.病毒通过血液循环传播并造成多种器官病变。




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