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词汇 unmoved
例句 She was completely unmoved by his appeal for help.她对他的求助完全无动于衷。How can anyone remain unmoved by pictures of starving children on our TV screens?看了我们电视屏幕上播出的饥饿儿童的画面,谁还能无动于衷?Her daughter's accident had left her curiously unmoved.女儿遭遇意外事故她竟然无动于衷,真是奇怪。He remained unmoved by her entreaties for pity.他未因她恳求怜悯而动心。Both men appeared unmoved as the judge read out their sentence.在法官宣读判决时,两个人都表情麻木。He was quite unmoved by my anger.他对我的愤怒完全无动于衷。Few of us can be unmoved by the plight of the refugees.我们几乎无一不被难民的困难处境所触动。Mr Bird remained unmoved by the corruption allegations.伯德先生对贪污指控一直无动于衷。His face was unmoved, but on his lips there was a trace of displeasure.他脸上没有丝毫表情,但嘴角流露出一丝不悦。She seemed unmoved and quite anaesthetic to his presence.她显出无动于衷的样子,对他的在场持漠然态度。No one can remain unmoved by this music.听了这音乐没有人不感动。He was unmoved by their pleas.他对他们的恳求无动于衷。Richard seemed unmoved by the tragedy.理查德对这场灾难似乎无动于衷。The defendant's claims of self-defense left the jury unmoved.被告声称是出于自卫,但陪审团不为所动。




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