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词汇 not being
例句 Men often accuse women of not being logical.男人常常批评女人没有逻辑头脑。It seemed that anti-Fascist feeling was not being encouraged.反法西斯思潮似乎并没有得到鼓励。The threat is not being treated with the gravity it deserves.恐吓没有得到应有的重视。I felt cheap not being able to return their invitation.我为不能回请他们而感到羞愧。She struggled to maintain the charade of not being afraid.她竭力装出不害怕的样子。Tina was shocked when she heard she was not being promoted, but it came as no surprise to the rest of us.蒂娜听说自己没有被提升很是吃惊,可是我们其他人对此并不感到意外。Her main gripe is that she's not being trained properly.她主要是抱怨自己没有受到很好的培训。The new computer system is not being fully utilized yet.新的计算机系统还没有充分利用。I am not being greedy. I just want to be paid what I believe I am worth.我并不是贪心,我只是想拿我自认为应得的薪水。The main reason she quit is that she was not being paid enough.她辞职的主要原因是工资太低。We came from the English tradition of not being demonstrative.我们继承了英国人轻易不表露感情的传统。I am not being sexist.我并没有性别歧视倾向。She's not being antisocial; she's just shy at parties.她不是不友善;她只是在聚会上腼腆而已。I asked them to turn down their music, but they're not being very cooperative.我叫他们不要把音乐声放得这么大,可是他们不肯合作。I hate not being on time for class.我讨厌上课迟到。Companies that donate books or equipment to schools that collect their tokens are not being entirely altruistic - after all, you have to buy the products to get the tokens.公司向获得他们礼券的学校捐赠书本或设备,并非完全出于无私的动机。毕竟,你得去购买他们的产品才能得到这些礼券。I'm not being funny, but we haven't got much time.我不开玩笑,我们时间不多了。He was most apologetic about not being able to come to the party.他不能来参加聚会,因此非常歉疚。I'm worried the child is not being stretched enough at school.我担心这孩子在学校里受到压力不够。When they reach here they complain that they are not being paid as per the agreement.来到这里后,他们抱怨工资没有依照协议发放。I hope I'm not being too long-winded.我希望我不是太啰。Look to your laurels and take every possible precaution to ensure you're not being tricked.要防范你的对手,采取一切可能的预防措施确保你不会上当。The charged man was judged guilty despite his protest of not being at fault.尽管那个被指控的男子宣称自己无辜,他还是被判有罪。The sense of not being wanted can set up an angst.人生在世纯属多余的自我感觉会引起一种忧惧。There's nothing worse than not being able to sleep at night.没什么事比晚上不能入睡更糟糕的。What I hate most about having a cold is not being able to smell.感冒最让我讨厌的是闻不到气味。I'm not being nosy, I'm just curious.我倒不是爱管闲事,只不过是好奇罢了。Management insisted that she was not being victimized.管理层坚称她没有受到迫害。My coworker gives/sends her regrets for not being able to attend the meeting.我的同事对未能出席此次会议深表歉意。They're trying to trim their costs, so staff who leave are not being replaced.他们正试图降低成本,所以没有安排填补离职员工的空缺。The drug is not being produced in adequate amounts.这种药当下的产量不足。She felt resentful at not being promoted.没有升职她感到忿忿不平。He's always moaning about not being treated properly.他一直抱怨他没有受到公正对待。I feel so bad about not being able to help you.不能帮助你,我真感到抱歉。We're not being told the full story here.我们还不知道事情的全部真相。She couldn't hide her disappointment at not being chosen for the team.没有被选为队员,她掩饰不住自己的失望。I hope I'm not being indiscreet.我希望我没有鲁莽失礼。Hilary was upset about not being promoted, but she didn't want to make an issue of it.希拉丽对于未得到提升感到忿忿不平,但她不想把此事弄大。Brown is not being accused of copying text from the book, but of stealing ideas.布朗受指责不是因为他从书中抄袭文本,而是从中剽窃创意。The workers claim that they are not being paid fair wages. 这些工人声称他们的工资待遇不合理。




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