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词汇 nose out
例句 It's not your problem, so keep your nose out of it.这不是你的问题,别去管它。The dog has nosed out a rat.狗发现了一只老鼠。I nosed out something wrong there.我当时感到有点情况不妙。A motorboat nosed out of the mist and nudged into the branches of a tree.一艘摩托艇缓缓驶出薄雾,慢慢钻进一棵树的枝叶中。Steadman was nosed out of first place.斯特德曼以微弱劣势丢掉第一名的位置。The home team barely nosed out the visitors.主队险胜客队。He was nosed out in the finals by a younger player.他在决赛中以些微之差败给了年轻的选手。She can't keep her nose out of other people's business.她总是喜欢多管闲事。The reporter managed to nose out a few facts.这名记者设法查到了一些真相。The media always manage to nose out some interesting facts about a politician's past life.媒体总是想方设法挖出政客以前的一些趣事。Keep your nose out of my business!不要多管我的事!Peace could come in this country if only all the intervenors would keep their noses out.只要所有的干涉者不插手,和平就可以在这个国家实现。It puts his nose out of joint to see others being successful.看见别人成功他心烦意乱。The journalist has nosed out the story.记者已经摸清了事情的来龙去脉。My horse was/got nosed out at the finish line.我的马跑到终点时以微弱差距输掉了比赛。The detective nosed out some interesting information on the suspect.侦探查出一些有关这名嫌疑犯的耐人寻味的信息。She keeps an eye on her boyfriend for fear someone else should put her nose out of joint.她密切注意男朋友的行动,生怕让人抢了去。The Democratic candidate was nosed out by a handful of votes.民主党候选人以几票之差落选。Keep your nose out of my business.不要打听我的事情。We had to wait a while, but that wasn't any reason for him to get his nose out of joint.我们不得不等了一会儿,但那也不是什么值得他生气的理由吧。He soon nosed out the details of the accident by talking to people and making some phone calls.和人们随意闲聊并打了几通电话之后,他很快就摸清了事故的细节。




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