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词汇 Normandy
例句 Marshal Montgomery commanded the ground forces in the invasion of Normandy.蒙哥马利元帅在诺曼第入侵中指挥地面部队。I had been in action bombarding the Normandy coast.我参加过轰炸诺曼底海岸的行动。During their summer holidays they cruised further afield to Normandy and Brittany.暑假,他们乘邮轮至更远的诺曼底和布列塔尼。They have a flat in Paris and a house in Normandy.他们在巴黎有一套公寓,在诺曼底有一套房子。The Pope summoned his bishops to a council in Normandy.教皇把大主教召集到诺曼底开会。Although this part of Normandy was badly bombed during the war it has been completely reconstructed.尽管诺曼底的这个区域在战争中遭受了狂轰滥炸,但之后它已经被彻底重建了。




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