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例句 Steel operations normally head into a seasonal slide after October.钢铁交易通常在十月份以后出现季节性的下落。Rainfall amounts are higher than would normally be expected.降雨量比通常预计的高。Flights that depart at midnight are referred to as the red-eye flights. Their fare is normally cheaper than those of regular flights.在午夜起飞的航班通称为红眼航班,通常票价比较便宜。I'm normally quick to complain about shoddy service.对劣质服务我通常会立刻投诉。Social progress is normally a matter of struggles and conflicts.社会进步通常是斗争和冲突的结果。Women do not normally break into the big time by doing stand-up comedy.女性靠演单人喜剧通常无法成名。In America, people don't normally admit to the hardness of life.在美国,人们通常不承认生活过得艰苦。Auditors normally issue a report as to whether the company accounts have been prepared correctly.审计员通常会发一份关于公司账目是否妥善准备的报告。I don't normally drink at lunchtime.午餐时我通常不喝酒。When nutrients are in short supply the body cannot function normally.营养不足时,身体就不能正常运转。The sonogram showed that the fetus was developing normally.超声波扫描图显示胎儿发育正常。Albert, normally poker faced, wore a look of shock.一向都是不动声色的艾伯特,脸上也露出了震惊的神色。The interest is normally paid twice yearly.利息通常一年付两次。The drug is normally given by injection.这种药通常是要注射的。There was a worried look on her normally placid face.她一向平和的脸上露出了担忧的神情。In spite of the strike, the airports are working normally.尽管有员工罢工,机场仍在正常运转。I don't normally like to mix business with pleasure.通常我不喜欢把工作和社交娱乐活动混为一谈。Sergeant Parrott normally spoke with an upper-crust accent.帕罗特军士说话通常带着上流社会的腔调。If you win your case you will normally be awarded costs.如果你赢了官司,通常诉讼费用由对方承担。I normally avoid cheap wine like the plague.我一般对廉价的葡萄酒敬而远之。They had never noticed it, not even Mark, normally so observant of people around him.他们完全没有注意到,连通常那么善于观察周围人们的马克也没注意到。I don't normally use that expression myself, but I've heard other people use it sometimes.这种说法我一般不用,但我有时听到别人在说。But still the economy is not showing signs of any of the excesses that normally presage a recession.但经济仍未显露出任何过剩的迹象,这些迹象通常预示经济衰退。The books were normally kept under lock and key in the library vault.这些书一般妥善锁藏在图书馆的地窖里。Bees do not normally sting without being provoked.如果没有人惹它,蜜蜂通常是不螫人的。Are the phones working normally again?这部电话又能正常使用了吗?Children's suncare products are normally water-resistant.儿童防晒产品通常都是防水的。Development is not normally permitted in conservation areas.保护区通常是不允许进行开发的。The television was functioning normally until yesterday.一直到昨天电视机还一切正常。The normally dour Mr James was photographed smiling and joking with friends.平时不苟言笑的詹姆斯先生照片上却与朋友们谈笑风生。Tonsillitis is normally caused by infection with streptococci.扁桃体炎一般是由链球菌感染引起的。The newspaper is normally highly astute at keying into its readers' feelings.报纸一般在理解读者感受这一方面非常敏感。People who have a capacity for hard work normally succeed.习惯努力工作的人往往获得成功。We got a peek into rooms that are normally closed to the public.我们偷看了一下通常不对公众开放的房间。The doctor says that the child is developing normally.医生说这个孩子发育正常。They are normally a more benign audience.他们通常观看时比较温和。It was an odd lapse for one who is normally so polite.对一个平时如此礼貌的人来说,这种闪失真是异常。He doesn't normally stop out late.他一般不会在外面待到很晚。A spasm of pain crossed his normally tranquil features.一阵疼痛掠过他那平时平静的脸庞。Supply normally exceeds demand for the bulk of consumer goods.一般来说,大宗消费品都供过于求。




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