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I will have none of that kind of talk in my house.在我家不许谈论这类话题。The guitar strings were loose, but none were broken.吉他的弦松了,但是没有断。I have often talked about why we want to be mothers, but none of us can describe the urge exactly.我经常谈到我们为什么想做母亲,但没有一个人能准确地描述这种冲动。I was none too pleased to have to take the exam again.我要重考一次,一点也高兴不起来。It's none of your business how much I earn.我挣多少钱不关你的事。This is a general criticism, so I hope none of you will take it personally.这是一个总的批评,我希望你们谁也不会认为那是针对个人的。This report shows how she twisted the truth to claim successes where none, in fact, existed.这份报告表明她歪曲事实,她所宣称的那些成就其实根本不存在。Well, you certainly made short work of the chocolate cake! There's none left for your dad.你把巧克力蛋糕一下子就吃完了!没有给你爸爸留一点。I borrowed his car and returned it, and he was none the wiser. 我借了他的车并把车还回去了,可他竟然完全不知道我曾向他借过车。Zambia had none of the heritage of war and violence that dogged, say, Kenya or Zimbabwe.赞比亚未像肯尼亚或津巴布韦那样,受到战火与暴力的后遗症困扰。He is simply the best goalscorer we have ever had, bar none.他绝对是我们从未有过的最佳进球手,无人可及。Since she supported none of the candidates, she spoiled her ballot paper.几个候选人她哪个都不支持,因此她把选票作废了。Sounds there were none except the murmur of the bees.万籁俱寂,唯闻蜂鸣。Despite her illness, she had lost none of her enthusiasm for life.尽管患病在身,但她丝毫没有失去对生活的热情。I was none the wiser after his explanation.他解释之后我还是不明白。For where the girl had a superabundance of hair, Swan had none at all.在女孩毛发浓密之处,斯旺却一根也没有。I've had no backup from my family, none of them even seemed concerned.我没有得到家人的帮助,没有人表现出些许关心。She seems none the worse for her experience.她的这次经历似乎一点也没有使她变坏。My father was none too pleased when he found out that my brother had wrecked the car.父亲发现我弟弟把车撞坏之后,非常生气。Their job is to check that none of the signatory countries is cheating on the agreement.他们的工作就是进行检查,确保所有签约国遵守协议。I thought there was some coffee in the cupboard, but there's none there.我以为橱柜里有些咖啡,可一点儿也没有。She tried various remedies, but none of them worked.她试了不同的疗法,却没有一种见效。Britain had laws against cruelty to animals but none to protect children.英国曾有禁止虐待动物的法律,却没有一部保护儿童的法律。She looks none the better for her holiday.她在度假后看上去气色一点都不见好。By the time the dentist had finished almost none of the existing tooth remained.等到牙医做完手术,原来的牙几乎一颗都不剩了。If you'd followed my instructions carefully none of this would have happened.如果你认真按我的指示去做,这些事就不会发生了。Many of the properties are in a desperate state but none is too far gone to save.很多地产情况都很糟糕,但都还不至于无法挽救。He searched for a sign of recognition on her face, but there was none.他试图在她的脸上找出一丝认出他的神情,但是根本没有。We needed extra troops and we had none.我们需要援军,可我们根本没有。Of all the competitions, none is/are more important than this one. = Of all the competitions, there is/are none as important as this one.在所有的比赛中,这个是最重要的。My marriage is none of your business, David.我的婚事与你无关,戴维。He realized none of his schoolmates would come to his defense.他意识到没有一个同学会挺身为他辩护。He did it none too diplomatically.这事他处理得一点也不策略。This is none of your business, so butt out.这不关你事,所以不要再插手。The Disney classic has lost none of its original charm.这部迪士尼经典之作魅力不减当年。The quality of Britain's overseas aid programme is second to none.英国的海外援助计划的高水准是首屈一指的。The storyline was too far-fetched and none of the actors was particularly good.故事情节太离谱,演员表演也没有出彩的。The estate agent had pictures of the house from the outside but none of its interior.房产经纪人有这栋房子的外观照片,但没有其内部的照片。He had none of his elder brother's charm.他哥哥的魅力他一点儿都没有。When the firm refused to negotiate, the workers would have none of that.公司拒绝谈判,工人们坚决不答应。 |