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例句 Then one day the girls spilled the story to their teacher.然后有一天,女孩子们把实情透露给了她们的老师。Young girls quickly learn how to wind Daddy around their little finger.小女孩很快就能学会如何支使她们的爸爸。Ann and Mary maintained their friendship for the next thirty years.安妮和玛丽在此后的三十年中一直保持著她们之间的友谊。They were tarting up in the Ladies.她们正在女盥洗室里浓妆艳抹。Her father had molested her and her sisters when they were children.她父亲在她和妹妹还小的时候对她们进行过性骚扰。Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed.母亲们不但得不到报酬,而且她们做的那些乏味艰苦的工作常常都不为人所注意。If we go on expecting our daughters to be decorative and pliable and empty-headed, they'll be inadequately prepared for the future.如果我们继续期望自己的女儿只重外表、毫无主见、头脑空空的话,她们就会对未来准备不足。They often go to the pictures.她们经常去看电影。His professed love of women seems a little odd when you consider how he treats them.想想他是怎么对待妇女的,他自称爱她们,真有点可笑。Women frequently say that they feel awkward taking the initiative in sex.女人们经常说她们不好意思在性生活上采取主动。When they perform, Barbara sings and her older sister Suzie is on drums.她们演出时由芭芭拉唱歌,她姐姐苏茜打鼓。Bentson knew all the women by sight, but he'd never exchanged more than a few words with any of them.本特森认得所有这些妇女,但从未与她们中的任何一个多说几句话。The two sisters are so similar that it's almost impossible to tell one from the other.这两姐妹长得实在太像了,简直不太可能把她们区分开。The house had belonged to her family for three or four generations.这套房子归她们家有三四代人了。She says they're quote "just good friends" unquote.她说她们,引号,“只是好朋友而已”,引号完。They put pressure on women to conform to a stereotype.他们对妇女施加压力,要求她们遵守妇道。The three departed, teetering on their high heels.她们三个穿着高跟鞋摇摇晃晃地走了。She speaks to women in a gentle way that helps overcome resistance.她语气温和地和女性交谈以帮助她们克服抵触情绪。Her mother said the strain was destroying them all.她母亲说极度的紧张把她们全都给毁了。The women began to suss that there was no reason why they should be impressed by him.这些女人开始意识到她们没有理由被他打动。Young mothers weave while babies doze in their laps.年轻的母亲们趁着孩子在她们膝上打盹儿的功夫织布。Lesley lined up the girls mentioned and led them off.莱斯利让被点到名字的女孩站成一排,然后把她们领走了。The women enjoyed rights independent of their husbands.妇女享有不依附于她们的丈夫的权利。Patti Smith and Janis Joplin did it all years ago and they were women with attitude and talent.帕蒂·史密斯和詹妮斯·乔普林多年前就这样做过,她们当时是两位个性鲜明的才女。The children of mothers who use crack or cocaine are often born addicted to the drug.如果母亲服用强效可卡因或可卡因,她们的孩子常常生下来就有毒瘾。Sue is one of the new breed of British women squash players who are making a real impact.休是英国新一代的女子壁球运动员,她们的影响正在显现出来。They were the three biggest yentas in the neighbourhood.她们是附近一带最爱嚼舌根搬弄是非的三个女人。Many of the women had left their husbands behind and they told of their fears that they may never see them again.这些女人中很多抛下了自己的丈夫,她们说害怕可能永远都见不到他们了。Indian women vote their minds,not their husbands'.印度妇女投票表达自己而不是她们丈夫的意见。We have seen several women who can outperform their male peers physically.我们已经看到好几个女性在体力方面超过她们的男性同龄人。We overheard Jenny and her friends talking about their boyfriends last night.昨晚我们无意中听到珍妮和她朋友在谈论她们的男朋友。They were both strong-minded women.她们两个都是意志坚强的女人。Barbara and her mother like to go to concerts together, though their tastes don't harmonize.尽管巴巴拉和她母亲品味不一致,她们还是喜欢一起去听音乐会。He seems either to fear women or to sentimentalize them.他似乎要么怕女人要么就对她们怀有浪漫想法。She really takes after her mother. They seem like sisters.她实在很像她母亲。她们看起来就像姊妹般。Women become as powerful in the marketplace as their mates.在商界女性变得和她们的另一半一样强大。We can't stop teens from having sex, but we can help them to avoid getting pregnant.我们无法阻止青少年有性行为,但我们可帮助她们不致于怀孕。They were all entertained at the company's expense.由公司出钱款待她们In one room, young mothers weave while babies doze in their laps.在一间屋子里,年轻的母亲们在织布,而她们的孩子就在她们膝上打盹。The nurses at the hospital were pleasant and chatty, and they made me feel less nervous.这医院里的护士既友善又健谈,她们让我感觉不那么紧张了。




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