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词汇 no joke
例句 Two hours on a bus is no joke, is it?在公交车上坐上两个小时可不轻松,对吧?Being cold and hungry is no joke.饥寒交迫可不是闹著玩的。It's no joke driving on icy roads.在冰雪路面上开车不是件轻松的事。The risk he's taking is no joke.他冒的这个险可非同小可。It's no joke bringing up a child on your own.独自抚养小孩可不是好玩的事情。It's no joke bringing up two kids on your own.独自养大两个孩子可不是闹着玩的。Two hours on a bus is no joke.坐两个小时公交车可不是闹着玩儿的。It is no joke to be lost in the desert.在沙漠里迷路可不是闹着玩的。Crossing the road was no joke with all the early morning traffic.一大早有那么多的车,过马路可不是闹着玩的。There is no sunset however beautiful, no joke however funny, no movie, no meal that I can enjoy only by myself.如果我孤独一人,那么无论看到多么美丽的日落,听到多么好笑的笑话,看任何电影,品任何佳肴,我都不会有一丝感觉。It's no joke to be lost in the woods. = Being lost in the woods is no joke. 在树林中迷路可不是闹着玩的。




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