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We need to consider whether the disadvantages of the plan outweigh the advantages.我们要考虑一下该计划是否弊大于利。Nudism, the council decided, was doing the resort more harm than good.委员会认定在休闲胜地的裸体行为弊大于利。He thinks the treatment may do more harm than good. 他认为这种治疗方法弊大于利。To cut taxes would probably do the economy more harm than good.减税对经济来说很可能是弊大于利。Huge projects designed to aid poorer countries can sometimes do more harm than good.旨在援助贫穷国家的庞大计划有时反而会弊大于利。The negatives outweigh the positives on this issue.在这个问题上弊大于利。Strenuous exercise can often do more harm than good.激烈运动通常弊大于利。The demerits of that job outweigh the benefits.那份工作弊大于利。Getting involved at this stage would do more harm than good.在这个阶段涉入此事弊大于利。Recent changes in housing policy, though well-meant, have done more harm than good.最近住房政策上的变化,尽管是出于善意,却弊大于利。Giving toddlers a computer may do more harm than good.让蹒跚学步的孩子玩电脑可能弊大于利。The drugs he was prescribed did him more harm than good.给他开的药对他来说是弊大于利。 |