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词汇 nobility
例句 She seemed to personify goodness and nobility.她似乎是善良和高尚的化身。The new rich aped the nobility.暴发户们仿效贵族。They married into the nobility and entered the highest ranks of state administration.他们同贵族阶层联姻,进入了国家最高行政层。Despite its lack of formal power the nobility was not powerless.尽管没有正式的权力,贵族阶层并非没有权势。In Norman England, the greyhound was a symbol of nobility.灵【犭是】在诺曼时期的英格兰是高贵的象征。He followed his principles with nobility.他高尚地恪守自己的准则。The new merchant class was anxious for acceptance by the old nobility.新兴的商人阶层渴望得到旧贵族的接纳。These ideas gradually became accepted among the nobility.这些思想逐渐被贵族们所接受。He was not of noble birth, and the nobility looked down on him.他不是贵族出身,因此贵族们瞧不起他。I admire her nobility.我仰慕她高尚的品格。She wasn't born into the nobility, she married in.她不是贵族出身,而是因为嫁了贵族才成为贵族的。He acted with great nobility of purpose.他怀着崇高的目的行事。Most of them were the nobility and the landed gentry.他们大多是贵族和地主乡绅。They have shown great courage and nobility of purpose.他们表现出了极大的勇气和高尚的追求。He brazenly courted favour from all the visiting nobility.他厚着脸皮地求宠于所有来访的贵族。That country does not have a nobility.那个国家没有贵族阶层。




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