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词汇 nicked
例句 Something nicked the painting.这幅画被什么东西划破了。He'd nicked himself on the chin with his razor.他用剃刀割伤了自己的下巴。I've had my bike nicked again.我的自行车又被偷了。Their small paycheques were nicked by the taxes.他们菲薄的工资被税收吞噬不少。The police nicked me for speeding.警方以超速为由逮捕了我。She nicked down my address.她记下了我的地址。The knife blade nicked her ear and she bled profusely.刀片割到了她的耳朵,流了很多血。I nicked a couple of cars when I was younger.我年少时曾偷过几辆车。He nicked himself while shaving.他剃须时刮破了皮。The police nicked me for carrying an offensive weapon.警察以携带攻击性武器为由逮捕了我。Michelle had her purse nicked.米歇尔的手提包被偷了。He smashed a window to get in and nicked a load of silver cups.他破窗而入,偷走了很多银杯。She was nicked for the theft.她因盗窃被捕。I must have nicked myself when I was shaving this morning.我一定是今天早上刮胡子的时候刮破了脸。Keep quiet or we'll all get nicked.别出声,要不然我们都会被抓住的。The man nicked the steel bar before sawing.在锯钢条之前,那人在上面先刻条印子。I nicked the rear bumper of the car in front of me.我蹭到了前面车子的后保险杠。The police nicked them as they came out of the bank.他们走出银行的时候被警方逮了个正着。Alfie was nicked for carrying an offensive weapon.阿尔菲因携带攻击性武器而被逮捕。He nicked his finger opening a tin.他开罐头时刮伤了手指。He was nicked on the shoulder by a bullet.他的肩膀被子弹射伤。City nicked a goal in the dying seconds of the game.城队在比赛行将结束之时踢进了一球。Paintwork on the corner of a stairway tends to get nicked and scratched.楼梯转角处的油漆往往容易被刮擦剥落。The shot nicked the edge of the table.一枪把桌子边沿打出了个缺口。He nicked his hand on some broken glass.他被一些碎玻璃割破了手。They nicked off down the pub while no-one was looking.他们趁人不备从酒馆里溜走了。Up till now taxpayers have been nicked for a relatively small share of these dubious expenditures.到目前为止,纳税者们被骗走的钱只占这些可疑支出的一小部分。We nicked the last bus.我们刚好赶上末班公车。The newspaper nicked at the government's economic policy.报纸抨击了政府的经济政策。You nicked those pens from my desk.你从我的书桌上偷走了那些钢笔。He nicked the razor.他弄缺了剃刀刀口。Cold weather nicked automobile output.天气寒冷使汽车产量减少。When I pulled out of the space, I nicked the rear bumper of the car in front of me.我把车从车位开出来时,蹭到了前面那辆车的后保险杠。She nicked the ball off her opponent's stick.她从对手的棒下巧妙地把球抢了下来。His wallet got nicked when he was on holiday.他的钱包是在度假时被偷的。He nicked himself shaving.他刮胡子的时候把自己脸给划伤了。He nicked the wall in moving the table.他在搬桌子时把墙壁撞了个凹印。He'd nicked his chin, shaving.他刮胡子的时候割到了下巴。He's nicked all your ideas.他剽窃了你所有的想法。He dropped a bottle in the kitchen and nicked himself on broken glass.他在厨房不小心打碎了一个瓶子,被碎玻璃片划伤了。




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