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The report and photographs fitted nicely onto a double page.报道和照片在一张双开页上配放得很妥帖。The thesis was well documented with footnotes on every page.这篇论文每页上都有详尽的脚注引证。Do the exercises on page 10.做第十页上的练习。The text refers to an illustration on the opposite page. 这段文字对应的是对开页上的一幅插图。I can just make a few words out on this page.这页上的字我只认识几个。There's a photo of him on the opposite page.在背面页上有一幅他的照片。I have to mark up the pages and send them back to the printer.我必须在各页上标注好说明,然后送回印刷厂。Pick a random word on the page.从这页上随便挑出一个词。Graphs are on odd pages.图表印在单数页上。There's usually a picture of some glamorous girl on the centre page.通常在中间页上都有一幅美女的图片。We were each asked to randomly pick a word on the page.我们每人都被要求从这页上任意挑出一个词。Look at the illustration on the facing page.看对开页上的插图。 |