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词汇 nicer
例句 Most people are nicer than you think on first acquaintance.大多数人都比你初次见面时所认为的要好。If you could wait two minutes, I'm just going to slip into a nicer dress.希望你能等两分钟,我很快去换件好看点的裙子。Fresh salmon is much nicer than frozen.新鲜鲑鱼比冷冻的好多了。This place gets so crowded during the season. It's much nicer in the winter when the tourists have gone.旅游旺季时这个地方非常拥挤。冬天等游客都走了就好多了。He's nicer in the flesh than in his photographs.他本人比相片上好看。Those pants will look nicer if you bleach them. 那条裤子漂白一下会更好看。It would be nice to see Audrey again, and it would be still nicer if she could bring the children.能再次见到奥德里真好,如果她能带孩子们来就更好了。It's a bit like my house, only nicer.这有点像我的房子,只是更为漂亮。I was so nervous, but she couldn't have been nicer to me.我很紧张,但她对我已经好得无以复加了。I'm glad we didn't use the tent. It's so much nicer to sleep outside under the stars.我很高兴我们没有搭帐篷。在星空下睡觉美妙多了。Fresh vegetables taste nicer and they're better for you.新鲜蔬菜味道更好,也更有利于你的健康。You'd be hard-pressed to meet a nicer person.你很难碰到一个更好的人。London is a much nicer place to live nowadays.伦敦如今比原来更加适宜居住了。He's a much nicer person since he laid off the booze. 戒酒之后,他人和气多了。Their house was nicer before it was tarted up.他们的房子以前没装饰得这么花里胡哨,倒是更好看些。It's so much nicer to fly business class on long-haul flights.长途飞行乘坐商务舱要舒适得多。I actually think the table would look nicer over there.其实我觉得这张桌子放那边会更好看。




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