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词汇 next year
例句 Any appropriation of funds will have to wait until next year.任何拨款都只能等到明年了。The company says it will move its distribution center to Chicago early next year.该公司说明年初将把发货中心搬到芝加哥。Financial commentators think we'll see the economy starting to pick up early next year.经济评论家认为明年年初我们会看到经济开始好转。He's been promised a rise next year.他得到保证,明年加薪。I can't decide whether to do German or Spanish next year.我决定不了明年学德语还是西班牙语。Shareholders have been told to expect an even lower result next year.股东们被告知说,明年的业绩还会更差。It's more than likely that they will change the rules again next year.他们很可能在明年再次更改规则。We've got to find ways of reducing Gail's workload next year.我们必须想办法减轻盖尔明年的工作负担。We will smooth out the election process by next year.我们将于明年顺利推进选举进程。An anthology of his unpublished plays is scheduled to be released next year.他未发表过的剧作选集计划于明年发行。The plant is expected to come on-stream early next year.工厂预计明年年初投入生产。If I play my cards right, I'll be able to graduate next year.如果事情处理得好,我明年就能毕业。The museum is due to open next year.博物馆预计明年开放。A series of events for teachers and students will culminate in a Shakespeare festival next year.明年的莎士比亚节将为师生们的一系列活动画上句号。The charity is hoping to move to new premises next year.该慈善团体正希望明年能搬到一个新的经营场所。Work on the new bridge will begin next year.这座新桥将于明年动工。If clinical trials are successful the drug could be on the market early next year.如果临床试验成功,这种药明年年初就有可能上市。No decision will be made until next year, so you'll just have to wait and see.得等到明年才会有决定,所以你只好等等看了。Perhaps next year I'll have more time for gardening.也许明年我会有更多的时间搞园艺。Two more series of the show are provisionally planned for next year.这个节目暂定于来年多推出两个系列。Officials say the outlook for next year is gloomy.官员们表示来年前景黯淡。Krystal has already qualified for the hundred-metre race in the Olympics next year.克丽丝特尔已经取得明年奥运会百米赛跑的参赛资格。The new model will go into production next year.新型号将于明年投产。The new coins will go into general circulation next year.新铸币将于明年进入全面流通。The slump is causing analysts to revise earnings estimates for next year.经济衰退使得分析家们修正了下一年的收入估算。Looking into the crystal ball, it's safe to say that interest rates will rise next year.预测一下未来,可以很明确地说明年利率会上升。A breakthrough may be possible next year.明年可能会有突破。New accounting rules come into force next year.新的会计准则明年生效。The bill will be brought before Parliament next year.该议案将于明年提交议会。Their agreement expires next year.他们的合同明年到期。The aid will not be disbursed until next year.援助款到明年才会下拨。From the sound of things, they'll probably have to move before next year.听起来,他们很可能在明年之前就得搬走。Owing to a lack of funds, the project will not continue next year.由于缺乏资金,该项目明年将停止进行。Contract talks will crank up early next year.签订合同的谈判将于明年初进行。I was wondering who you were planning on rooming with next year.我不知道你打算明年和谁同住一室。Analysts fear the downturn will drag on into next year.分析人士担心这种下滑趋势会持续到明年。The plant is due to commission next year.这座工厂计划明年投产。The teams are due to report back to the Prime Minister early next year.这些团队应于明年年初向首相汇报情况。The military may feel unable to hand over power to a civilian President next year.军方可能会觉得明年难以将政权移交给一位民选总统。The military government has agreed to hold open elections next year.军政府同意明年举行公开大选。




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