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词汇 new technology
例句 The library is installing new technology to broaden access to its huge store of information.这家图书馆在安装新的技术让更多人能查阅其庞大的资料库。Whether this new technology will stand the test of time remains to be seen.这种新技术能否经得起时间的考验仍需拭目以待。The printed word has faced growing competition from new technology.纸介文字已经面临新技术与日俱增的竞争。Their company leads the world in developing new technology to assist people with disabilities.在开发帮助残疾人的新技术方面,他们公司居于世界领先地位。Firms that fail to take advantage of the new technology will go out of business.未能利用新技术的公司会倒闭。Teachers must be prepared to spend time getting to grips with new technology.教师们必须准备花时间去了解新的技术。The new technology gave them a competitive advantage/edge. 新技术使他们占据了竞争优势。The association believes new technology will provide a long-term solution to credit card fraud.该协会相信新技术将可长远地解决信用卡诈骗问题。We cannot predict quantitatively the value or the cost of a new technology.我们无法对一项新技术的价值或成本进行量化预测。The gramophone has been eclipsed by new technology such as the compact disc.激光唱片等新技术使留声机黯然失色。Many people are intimidated by new technology.许多人碰到新技术就害怕。Other businesses have not yet glommed on to the potential of this new technology.其他企业还没意识到这项新技术的潜力。The new technology will make it easier for surgeons to remove abnormal growths before they cause problems.这项新技术能帮助外科医生在不正常赘生物造成严重后果前就将其摘除。Lack of resources has prevented the company from investing in new technology.资金缺乏使公司未能对新技术进行投资。We must be losing at least a third of our staff under new technology.在新的技术条件下,我们必定要解雇至少三分之一的员工。There is potential in the new technology, but it will be a long time before it can actually be used.这项新技术有潜力,但还需要很长时间才能实际应用。The report places special emphasis on new technology.这份报告特别强调新技术。Scientists have recommended that new technology be used to target harmful bacteria.科学家建议使用新科技对付有害的细菌。Their work addresses the implications of new technology.他们的工作是探讨新技术的意义。The old way of life became outdated at the hand of the new technology.新技术使老的生活方式过时了。We have to invest in new technology if we are to remain competitive.如果我们要保持竞争力,就必须投资开发新技术。This new technology brings with it security concerns.这项新技术也带来对安全问题的关切。The government saw the introduction of new technology as vital.政府认为引进新技术至关重要。Years of easy success had ossified the company's thinking and it never faced up to the challenge of the new technology.多年来轻易取得的成功让这家公司变得思维僵化,从不直面新技术带来的挑战。This new technology puts the company light-years ahead of its competitors.这项新的技术让公司遥遥领先于其竞争对手。In recent years the company has spent a lot of money on new technology.近年来公司在新技术上花了不少钱。Scientists have cracked an ancient mystery using new technology.科学家们运用新技术,找到了破解古老谜团的方法。Their company has taken the lead in developing this new technology.他们公司在开发这种新技术方面已居于领先地位。This new technology opens up almost unlimited possibilities.这种新技术几乎带来了无限的可能性。Enhancements offered by new technology have not fed through to produce the increased profit.新技术带来的改进还没有体现在利润增长上。The company has become a leader in developing new technology.这家公司在开发新技术方面已成为领军者。I've never really got to grips with this new technology.我还从来没有真正了解这种新技术。The company has been successful in exploiting new technology to the full.这家公司在充分利用新技术方面很成功。The hardest part of this job is understanding the new technology.这项工作最难的部分是理解新技术。Women workers tended to lose their jobs with the advent of new technology.随着新技术的出现,女工更容易失业。We're going to have to stop living in the past and invest in new technology if the company is to survive.要想公司生存下去,我们就不能再沉湎于过去,而必须投资开发新技术。We can take advantage of new technology more quickly by farming out computer operations.把计算机业务分包出去,我们就可以更快地利用新技术。This is a powerful demonstration of what can be achieved with new technology.这强有力地证明了使用新技术所能取得的成就。The new technology is revolutionising the way music is played, composed and studied.这项新技术正在改革演奏、制作和研究音乐的方法。She forsook her notebook for new technology.她丢开笔记本开始使用新技术。




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