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词汇 newcomer
例句 The head of the department is a relative newcomer.这个部门的领导来的时间相对较短。They were joined by a newcomer who came striding across a field.一个新来的人大步穿过一片田地,加入到他们的行列。He must be a newcomer to town and he obviously didn't understand our local customs.他一定是刚到镇上来的,明显不了解我们这儿的风俗。Although she's a newcomer to the sport, she's already very successful.虽然她在这项运动上是新手,但已经非常成功了。I'm a newcomer to teaching.至于教书,我还是个新手。It was a very good performance for someone who is a relative newcomer to this sport.作为这项运动的后来者,这样的表现已经非常精彩了。The abrasive newcomer from Special Branch is very much of the old school.刚从政治保安处调来的那个讨厌鬼非常守旧。She is a comparative newcomer to the industry. 相对来说,她还算是这个行业的新手。Our company is a newcomer to this market.我们公司刚打入这个市场。As a newcomer to the area, Paul was anxious to make friends.保罗初来乍到,渴望结交朋友。It was an impressive debut for Jones, a newcomer who shows great promise.对于琼斯这位大有前途的新人来说,首次露面可谓是闪耀登场。Let's look toward our newcomer.让我们为新来者干杯。Everything in the house soured the newcomer.屋子里的每样东西都使新来者失望。We were each paired with a newcomer to help with training.我们每人和一名新手组对,帮助他们训练。She is a newcomer to the city.她是这个城市的新移民。I'm a relative newcomer to the retail business.我在零售行业相对来说还是个新手。Last year's champion was humbled by an unknown newcomer.去年的冠军被一个不知名的新人轻松打败。The newcomer was greeted with an avalanche of publicity.新来者受到了广泛的关注。She was at pains to point out that she was no newcomer to the area.她努力想说明她对此地并不陌生。The movie's director is a newcomer to the Hollywood scene.这部影片的导演是好莱坞圈子里的新人。He was a newcomer and hence had no close friends here.他刚来这儿,因此还没有要好的朋友。We all agree in liking the newcomer.我们大家都喜欢那位新来的人。As a newcomer to Rickettsville, I greatly appreciated the reception I got from the townsfolk.初到里基茨维尔,我非常感谢镇上居民对我的接待。My father is a relative newcomer to the world of computers.在电脑世界,我爸爸算是个新手。I'm a relative newcomer to the area. 相对而言,我在这个地方还是个新人。The coach spent the whole morning putting the newcomer through his paces.教练花了整个上午测试新队员的能力。Edwards is the only newcomer in an otherwise experienced side.爱德华兹是经验丰富的团队中唯一的新手。The older boy gave the newcomer some brotherly advice.那个年龄大一点的男孩给新来的孩子一些亲兄弟似的忠告。




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