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词汇 湮没
例句 Many civilizations have been buried by the sands of time. 许多文明在时光的流逝中湮没了。His talent was submerged by his shyness.他的腼腆湮没了他的才能。The origin of the custom is lost in the mists of time.形成这种习俗的原因现已湮没在时间的迷雾中。The origins of Chinese horoscopes have been lost in the mists of time.中国占星术的起源已湮没在时间的迷雾之中。The most basic facts about him are lost in a fog of mythology.关于他的那些最基本信息离奇地湮没无踪了。The origins of this custom are lost in the mists of time.这个习俗的起源湮没在时间的迷雾中。After many years, his scientific work emerged from obscurity.他的科学著作湮没多年之后才开始引起关注。The book has been saved from oblivion.这部书得以免于湮没The origins of this ancient structure are lost in antiquity.这座古建筑的由来已经湮没在远古时代了。Babylonian civilization has long since passed into oblivion.巴比伦文明早已湮没He felt swallowed in a Kafkaesque world of vague rumours.他觉得自己湮没在一个充满隐晦的流言蜚语的荒诞世界里。This book is a repository of lost information.这本书是湮没知识的宝库。The most prominent poets of the Victorian period had all but faded from the scene.维多利亚时期最显赫的诗人差不多已全部湮没无声了。She has submerged her identity in the role of photographer's wife and muse.她完全湮没了自我,全心全意地做摄影师的妻子并为他提供艺术灵感。




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