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例句 What was the name of that place we drove through on the way to New York?我们开车去纽约的路上穿过的那个地方叫什么名字?New weapons are coming into service.种种新式武器正被投入使用。New shoes get more comfortable with wear.新鞋越穿越舒服。I'd like a schedule of the flights from Boston to New York, please.请给我一张波士顿至纽约的航班时刻表。New fashions seem to come in and go out again much more quickly these days.如今新时尚的更替似乎快多了。New Year's Day will be on a Tuesday this year.今年的元旦是个星期二。All this toing and froing between London and New York takes it out of him.在伦敦和纽约间这样来回奔波,把他弄得精疲力竭。New evidence has confirmed the first witness's story.新的证据证实了第一个证人的说法。He grew up on a dirt farm in upstate New York.他在纽约北部的小农场长大。New drugs have been approved by the regulatory authority.新药已经得到监管机构的批准。New-age terrorist groups were well established in this region.新时代的恐怖组织已经在这一地区根深蒂固。When I last saw her, she was working in New York.我上次见到她时,她在纽约工作。New York is the gateway to the U. S. A.纽约是美国的门户。New houses are going up everywhere in this city.本市到处在建造新住宅。If it would facilitate matters, I would be happy to come to New York.如果对事态发展有利,我很乐意来纽约。The prize is to have your hair done at a top New York salon.获奖者可到纽约一家顶级理发厅免费做一次头发。New fathers love bottle feeding their babies.刚当上爸爸的人喜欢用奶瓶喂他们的宝宝。New mothers often complain of lethargy and mild depression.初为人母者经常抱怨说身体疲倦乏力,感到轻微的抑郁。Allegre was signed by the New York Jets.阿莱格尔与纽约喷气机队签了约。Information on travel in New Zealand is available at the hotel.新西兰的旅行信息可以在宾馆获取。Before a rugby match, the New Zealand team performs a Maori war dance.橄榄球比赛前,新西兰队表演了一种毛利人的战争舞蹈。I have some good business connections in New York.我在纽约有一些可靠的生意关系。This wooden translation reminds me of the typically constipated prose of the New York Review of Books.这篇僵硬的译文让我想起了《纽约书评》里典型的呆板散文。New technology is pushing down the prices of many goods and services.新技术使许多商品和服务的价格降低。A car in New York City is not worth the expense.在纽约花大钱买辆汽车是不值得的。She wished them a happy New Year.她祝他们新年快乐。Papua New Guinea was the first country to recognize the new military regime in Fiji.巴布亚新几内亚是第一个承认斐济新军人政权的国家。In baseball, the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees are archrivals.在棒球比赛中,波士顿红袜队和纽约扬基队互为劲敌。Negotiations remained stalled yesterday in New York.昨天在纽约进行的谈判依然陷于停滞状态。The authors are grateful for the unceasing support of the editors in London and New York.作者们非常感激伦敦和纽约两地编辑们的不懈支持。His fate was sealed when The New York Times learned of the situation and began preparing an article about it.当《纽约时报》了解了情况并且开始对此事组织文章时,他的命运就被决定了。The real thrust of the film is its examination of New York's Hasidic community.这部电影的真正要旨是它审视了纽约的哈西德教徒。Jacobson's one of the most influential people in New York.雅各布森是纽约最有影响力的人物之一。She spent eight months living in New York City.她在纽约市生活了八个月。He goes to school in New York.他在纽约上大学。They drove across the country from California to New York.他们驾车从加利福尼亚到纽约,横穿了整个国家。He traveled inland from New York to Chicago.他从纽约朝内陆方向旅行到芝加哥。One of New England's great strengths is its friendliness to strangers.新英格兰一个很大的优点是对陌生人报以友善。She made a New Year resolution to get fit.她的新年心愿是让身体健康。New technology has pushed the cost of health care even higher.新技术提高了保健成本。




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