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词汇 neighbor
例句 Our neighbor would have cut the tree down if I hadn't told him to leave it alone.要不是我告诉那位邻居别碰那棵树的话,他已经把它砍倒了。Our neighbor is a grumpy old man.我们的邻居是个脾气坏的老人。At first the neighbor's generosity made her feel ashamed.起初,邻居的慷慨使她感到羞愧。We left our pets in the trust of our neighbor while we were gone.外出期间我们把宠物委托给邻居代管。My neighbor is antisocial.我的邻居对人不友好。He helped his neighbor to a glass of wine.他给邻座斟了一杯酒。Jim paused next to the fence to exchange greetings with his neighbor on the other side.吉姆在篱笆旁边停下来,和另一边的邻居互相问候。Our upstairs neighbor always keeps to himself. We hardly know him at all.我们楼上的邻居总是不和别人往来,我们根本不了解他。I was just chitchatting with my neighbor.我当时正和邻居聊天呢。My neighbor is a real know-it-all, always telling me what to do.我的邻居真是个自以为无所不知的人,总对我指手画脚。The kids were lobbing pine cones into the neighbor's yard.孩子们把松果扔进邻居的院子中。Please pass your paper to your neighbor. 请把试卷传给你的邻座。Does a neighbor keep an eye on your house while you are away?你不在的时候有邻居帮你看房子吗?He had a row with his neighbor.他与邻居吵了一架。Jack chummed with the new neighbor's children.杰克与新搬来的邻居家孩子交了朋友。The pond on our neighbor's farm silted up.我们邻居农场里的池塘淤塞了。I avoid my weird neighbor like the plague.我极力回避我那古怪的邻居。How did he start his feud with his neighbor?他是怎样和邻居开始争吵起来的? He ran over to his neighbor's house to see what was going on.他跑到邻居家去看看出了什么事。We had no hostility toward the new neighbor.我们对新邻居毫无敌意。I just had a chitchat with my neighbor.我只是和邻居闲聊了一会儿。The thing I fear the most when traveling on a plane is to have a garrulous neighbor.我搭飞机旅行时,最怕有个喋喋不休的邻座。I saw him visiting with a neighbor.我看到他在和邻居闲聊。He got into conversation with his neighbor.他开始与邻居交谈起来。That country disengaged from military dependence on its neighbor.那个国家在军事上摆脱了对邻国的依赖。The sound of music wafted softly into the yard from our neighbor's house.音乐声从我们邻居家轻轻地飘进了庭院。Our neighbor keeps a good cellar.我们的邻居藏有大量好酒。A con man finagled my neighbor out of four hundred dollars.一个骗子从我邻居那里骗走了四百美元。He was annoyed by his neighbor's meddling.他对邻居的好管闲事有点生气。The malicious neighbor spread the gossip.那个不怀好意的邻居散布了流言蜚语。She conceived a dislike for her neighbor's son.她对邻居的那个儿子感到厌恶。Such behavior is not characteristic of a good neighbor.此种行为不是一位好邻居该有的。A helpful neighbor shoveled our walkway.一位热心的邻居替我们把通道铲干净了。Our neighbor can be such a pain. 我们的邻居真让人讨厌。His neighbor slammed the door in his face.他的邻居当著他的面把门砰然关闭。Venus is Earth's nearest neighbor.金星是离地球最近的星球。Our neighbor George is a very lonely man.我们的邻居乔治是个非常孤独的人。We try to avoid our ill-tempered neighbor.我们尽量躲开坏脾气的邻居。I could see my neighbor shaking with laughter.我看到邻居笑得浑身发抖。It is in my recollection that he sold his farm to a neighbor before moving to Seattle.我记得他在迁往西雅图前把农场卖给了一位邻居。




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