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词汇 neglects
例句 What do you think of a man who neglects his wife?你对一个漠不关心自己妻子的人有何看法?He fails/neglects to mention, however, the seriousness of the crime.但是他没有提到这种罪行的严重性。The shootings rallied protesters who say the city neglects poorer neighborhoods.多起枪杀事件促使人们集合起来,抗议市政府忽视贫困街区。Any climber who neglects these simple precautions does so at their peril.攀登者若是忽视这些简单的安全措施,自己承担风险。A good police officer is not fulfilling his role if he neglects this vital aspect.一名好警察若是忽略这一重要方面,就是没有尽好自己的本分。He neglects that poor dog - he never takes him for walks or gives him any attention.他对那只可怜的狗漠不关心——从不带它散步,也从不关心它。She neglects her child.她疏于照顾自己的孩子。




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